Swinging is not for kids

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Greg's POV

I sat on the bed as Dakota walked to the other side. She climbed into bed as I took my clothes off. She had already got her pajamas on and was ready for bed. I got under the covers and cuddled next to Dakota. My hand rubbed circles on her stomach, her body snuggling against mine. I kissed the top of her head as we both started falling asleep.

Greg: Tomorrow I'll call them about the offer.

Dakota: Mkay.

Greg: Are you okay with it?

Dakota: Of course, I would do it if I wasn't.

Greg: Okay love you.

Dakota: I think I love you more.


I woke up to a Dakota on top of me, her body slightly grinding on me. My dick was hard resting against her.

Greg: Fuck Dakota.

Dakota: Morning.

Greg: What are you doing?

Dakota: Loving my fiancé's body.

Greg: Well I love yours too.

Dakota: Do you mean that?

Greg: Of course i do why wouldn't I?

Dakota: Idk, maybe you think I could be skinnier.

Greg: No, you are perfect enough for me already.

Dakota: Okay babe.

Greg: Let's get ready for today.

Dakota: I'm gonna take a shower.

Greg: And I will go make breakfast.

Dakota: Do you wanna join me?

Greg: Thought you'd never ask!

Dakota played with me in the shower and while we cleaned ourselves. I attempted to touch Dakota but she shut me down and touched me more. She got out and dried herself and left to get changed. I got out and she was laying on the bed legs spread lightly.

Greg: What's wrong?

Dakota: Nothing.

Greg: Really? You wouldn't let me touch you in the shower.

Dakota: I promise.

Greg: Fine then you wouldn't mind if I ate you out.

Dakota (whispering): No.

Greg: What?

Dakota (whispering): No.

Greg: I can't hear you baby.

Dakota: No!

Greg: Well then tell me what's wrong!

Dakota: I don't want you to touch me so you can turn around and leave me for someone else!

Greg: What?! What gave you that idea?!

Dakota: Well I um, I'm um (whispers) not okay with the swinging anymore.

Greg: Babe if you want to whisper make sure I'm close cause I can't hear you.

Dakota: I don't want to swing anymore!

Greg: Okay then we won't.

Dakota: But I do want to.

Greg: Then why do you not want to?

Dakota: I'm scared of losing you to some whore.

Greg: Why would I leave a perfectly amazing, sexy, beautiful, stud like yourself for a downgrade?

Falling for Captain Kick (Dakota Kai and Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now