Roomies no more

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Teagans POV

I walked into the bathroom to see Dakota shaving her legs. She had her favorite shirt on and short shorts. She looked at me and ran for her life. I caught her in my arms as she tried to get away from my wrath.

Teagan: Dakota we need to talk, now!

Dakota stopped and I let her go and we walked into the kitchen. She sat at the table and I sat on the opposite end.

Dakota: Before you say anything I just wanted to say I'm so sorry about us walking in on you two, we never meant to but I needed clothes and...

Teagan: I know, it's just I think it's time I move out and get my own place.

Dakota and I always shared a house but she was has her name on the lease.

Dakota: What?

Teagan: I think it's time I try to get my own apartment.

Dakota: Why teag?

Teagan: It's because your spending more time with Greg, which I'm okay with, but it's just me sometimes and I think it would be better if I leave so you can enter your own home without seeing another person naked on the couch.

Dakota: Where do you plan on going?

Teagan: Probably Adams for awhile and I'll see where I go from there.

Dakota: No wait you don't have to go!

Teagan: No Dakota it has to be this way...

Dakota : Wait right here and I'll be back to continue talking.

She ran out the door leaving me to sit here and cry by myself. I started tearing up when the door flew open with Dakota and her boyfriend in tow. I sat there as Dakota rambled on about me and Greg.

Greg: Babe slow it down she cant understand you.

Dakota: You just tell her.

Greg: Well Dakota came up to me and told me the sitch, and we'll she wants to move out so you can stay here and Dakota will live with me.

Teagan: Oh, well that makes sense. Okay I can work with that.

Greg: Great so when can we start moving?

Teagan: Immediately.

Dakota: (Laughing) Guess you want to get rid of me quickly then huh.

Teagan: Oh whatever Kota, at least your moving into Gregory's house.

Dakota: True but it won't be the same without you.

Teagan: I know but we should get your stuff out of here quickly before you have to leave for Takeover.

Dakota: Oh shit I forgot that it was this Sunday.

Greg: What's so special about this Sunday?

Dakota: We are on the road again so I'll have to leave for New York.

Greg: When?

Dakota: By tonight unfortunately.

Greg: We'll you can help for a bit, pack and then I can move the rest to my house if that's okay.

Dakota: Yes that would be perfect. Thank you so much babe!

I see Greg and Dakota about to kiss and it's already 10:00 a.m.

Teagan: Oh my god get a fucking room or help!

Greg: On it.

We spent the rest of the morning getting Dakota small amount of stuff into my vehicle and Greg's. It was great until I see Dakota start bobbing her head. God that girl can be such a horn dog. I pick up my phone and I dialed Greg's phone. As he picked up I saw Dakota lift her head.

Falling for Captain Kick (Dakota Kai and Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now