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Your POV

You awake in a hospital-like room. Florescent lights shine directly in your eyes and you squint against them. You try to move your hand to shield your eyes but you can't move. You look down and see restraints tying you to the bed. Bruises cover your arms around the straps, proving that you've been tied up for a while. You struggle and jerk against the bounds, but to no avail. You scream for help, and when you do you feel a sharp pain in your head and you hiss.

It seemed like your whole head was being electrocuted. You try to crane your neck to look around the room; you can't see much, but from what you could see, you were alone in the room. There's a large mirror to your right, but you're smart enough to know that it was a two-way mirror, which means someone's watching you.

"Hello! Where am I?!", you shout again but no answer. Your voice is hoarse and your throat tingles. You turn and look directly into the mirror, "who are you?"

The deafening crackle of the P.A system fills the room, and then a mans voice speaks.

"Untitled No.1, do you remember how you got here?"

Untitled No.1? Is he referring to you? There's a long silence, so you assume he was talking to you.

"I-I jumped. Off the cliff"

"Correct. Do you remember anything after that?"

You think about it for a second, and your head burns again. You squeeze your eyes shut in strain but you can't recall anything.


Suddenly the door opens and you flinch slightly. A rather ugly man steps in with two guards flanking his sides. His whole face is wrinkled and a sickly colour— although you couldn't look much better— and stubble peppers his chin, his hair dotted with grey.

"Hello dear", he gives you a wicked smile, exposing his yellowish teeth. He looked like a straggly rat, "come with me"

You stare blankly at him for a moment and then for emphasis wiggle around in your bindings. He chuckles.

"Sorry", he gestures for the guards to undo the belts and you sit up slowly, your body aching with the effort. You look down and see you're wearing a hospital gown, the cloth fabric only reaching your knees.

The man doesn't wait for you, he just turns and walks swiftly down the bright hallway. You follow him silently down the twists of the corridors. Frosted glass doors line the walls, but there's no windows. He comes to a flight of stairs and continues down it. Then another flight; your joints creak with each step.

After your eleventh stairway he takes a left and leads you down a corridor of cement walls and dim orange lights. The concrete is cold against your bare feet and you shiver. The doors here are raw stainless steel. Exposed pipes snake across the ceiling. This whole place gives you bad vibes.

The man stops suddenly and one of the guards bumps into your back, causing you to stumble. The rat-man takes out his keycard and and swipes it against a padlock on the wall beside a door, causing the metal gate to swing open with a click.

You take a peek inside and see a metal chair with a side table of tools that make your chest constrict. The place looks familiar but you can't tell why. You look to the man standing at the doorway and he gives you an encouraging nod. Creepy man, creepy basement, creepy chair with creepy death tools. No cause for concern. You think.

You clutch to the doorframe and try to back away but one of the guards places the cold barrel of their gun on your exposed back and you tense.

"Go on. Take a seat"

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