342 6 15

TW: dissociation/derealization

"Wake up! C'mon, we've gotta go, now!", You and Newt shake the Gladers and Icers awake hastily, trying to grab as much of your minimal supplies as possible.

Everyone grunts and groans, half of them just roll back over and fall asleep again, including Harriet and Minho. You throw sand at them and they sit up in outrage.

"WHAT THE SHUCK??", Minho screams, throwing random objects at you like an angry toddler; you dodge the projectiles easily.

"We have to go!! There's a huge sandstorm, and I don't know about you, but I don't feel like being mummified today", you shout back, your voice dripping with sarcasm. Minho's face goes white as he scrambles to his feet, along with the others. And then you begin running again, towards the city, still at least a mile in the distance.

You barely register everyone else behind you, you just keep running— everybody else is simply background noise; very violent and ear-shattering background noise...

You break your concentration for a moment to look back at the group, and you see three people on the ground.

You see the familiar mop of blonde hair among the fallen and immediately run after him. You  can hear his shout, telling you to turn back but you ignore him. You reach his side and pull him up with your arm around his shoulder. He tries to shrug you off but you pinch his side in retaliation. You notice that he's limping, and you can tell that his leg is bothering him again.

Out of the corner of your eye you see Minho struggling to get up.

What a runner he is, you think in amusement- until you realize that he's actually struggling.

"Why can't he get up?", you mutter to yourself. Although your question was rhetorical, Newt still answers.

"Did you not know? Minho got sliced bloody bad by a Griever when we were escaping the Maze. Thankfully he didn't get stung, and those rescue-people patched him up all good, but it's still a bit buggard", he explains.

You look back over to Minho and see him clutching his side. That must've been where he got injured.

"Newt, can you walk?", you ask hurriedly. He nods and you make sure he's balanced before running towards Minho.

Is everyone else oblivious to the fact that people are hurt?? You wonder.

The distance between the two of you seems so far, but you try to close the gap as quickly as possible. You shout to him but he doesn't seem to hear you over the noise of the storm.

Thunder rumbles above you and the clouds lighten above Minhos head.

Lightening. Oh shit.

"MINHO!!!", you shout but he still doesn't notice you. Your strides grow longer and your arms pump faster as you push yourself towards him. Right as the streak of light pulses in the sky, you shove Minho forcefully out of the way, causing both of you to tumble to the ground.

Your original plan was to tackle the shank so you'd both be out of the way, but there seemed to be a flaw in your very skilled calculations (sarcasm) that resulted in you getting the painful blow of white hot fire against your back. You scream so loud your throat grows raw; your body convulses involuntarily and you writhe under the force of the sting.

After that everything went black.

Newts POV

I hear Y/N's screams and I wince. I look to my left and see her seizing on the ground, tendrils of electricity spiralling across her body in patterns similar to those of a Launcher—the guns that the guards of WICKED were armed with.

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