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Newt's POV

"Bloody hell they're taking forever", I sigh, tapping my foot anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they're fine", Frypan smiles reassuringly. He's always been good at that; taking peoples stress is his specialty— along with cooking.

But that reassurance didn't last when I hear a ear-splitting scream. I jump to my feet and run to the door. I shake it lightly but it doesn't move at all; not that I really expected it to.

Tommy runs to my side, grabbing my shoulder lightly. His touch is comforting, but it doesn't stop my mind from running. Obviously the first conclusion I jump to is—

Another high pitched scream rings through the room; it sounds so close.

"Y/N", I mutter, pounding harder on the door.

"Newt...", Minho starts from my other side, but I ignore him, continuing to punch at the metal door.

"Newt, calm down, she's fine—,"

"How can you know!", I snap, whipping around and shoving Thomas away. His eyes fill with hurt, and a part of me feels bad, aches for him, but more of me is angry.

"You can't know! She could be dying right now!", I shout, and everyone goes silent. Angry tears leak from my eyes and I don't bother to stop them. The room is silent, besides the screams that ring through the vents very few minutes. It physically pains me, even if it's not her, there's a chance it could be.

"Newt...", Minho says slowly, like he's afraid I might burst again.

I sniffle, "this is just like when she was in the maze... and I thought I'd never see her again..."

The memory of my near-death experience seems to pain everyone.

"But she did come back. She'll always come back Newt", Thomas says and I nod.

Someone clears their throat from behind me, and we all turn to see Harriet standing there, with Sonya and Miyoko flanking her sides.

"I'd hate to break up this emotional moment, but we've got a situation", Sonya says nervously.

My heart drops, "don't say it..."

"... we can't find Y/N", she says, bowing her head.

Before anyone can even react, I push past them and run into the hall.

I turn corner after corner, trying to follow the sounds of the sobbing cries that seem to be everywhere.

"Y/N? Y/N?!?", I yell, ignoring the fact that this is supposed to be a discreet escape mission.

Another scream. This one sounds closer.

I take a left, then a right, another right, and a left, and then I find her.

Y/N is curled up on the ground with her legs pulled to her chest, sobbing and screaming.

I run to her and drop to her side. My hands hover over her, not wanting to startled her.

"Y/N? Hey, hey, look at me. Look at me", I say as soothingly as possible. Her body shakes violently, but she manages to look up at me. Her eyes are bloodshot and her face is face is flushed and tear-stricken. I slowly move my hand toward her face but she flinches violently, crawling away from me.

"Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Don't touch me", she chants in a whisper, shaking somehow even harder.

"Y/N, hey, hey, it's me. It's Newt"

She just shakes her head.

Last time she had a panic attack like this, I was able to get her to focus on me, to breath, but she doesn't remember me, so this is going to prove more difficult.

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