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The boy looks at you with tears in his eyes as he scans over your body, taking in the many injuries.

You ask him again, "who are you?", and he looks directly into your eyes before turning and storming out of the room.

You face the table he was sitting at and see your friends— Minho, frypan, Thomas, Winston, and two other boys you don't recognize.

"Hey guys", you smile, "who was that guy you were sitting with?", you say as you sit down and steal Minho's apple. You thought that he'd get mad but he just stared blankly at you. All of them did.

"What?", you ask through a mouthful of apple.

"Was that some kinda sick joke?!", Minho shouts.

"Sorry, it's just an apple, chill", you roll your eyes and take another bite.

They all exchange a glance and you furrow your brows as you sweep over their faces.

"What?", you ask.

They're all silent. What is happening?!?

"Do you seriously not remember him?", Fry asks quietly.

"Remember who? That blonde kid? I've never met him before in my life", you shake your head.

Minho glances at the guards standing behind you and you turn to them, nodding for them to back up. They do. Minho leans closer towards you and whispers in your ear.

"What happened to you?"

You shift uncomfortably in your seat, "well... after I ran into the maze... I found the Springs. Everything was... broken", you squint in thought, your head almost tingling with your thoughts, "so I... I jumped off the Cliff. Then I woke up here". You leave out the part about the torture.

"Do you remember why you ran?", Thomas pushes.

The tingling turns into a burning ache as you try to recall why you ran.

Because they hated you. You didn't belong, a voice rings in your head. It sounds oddly familiar.

"B-because you didn't want me there. You all hated me... you drove me away", you whisper as you look at a spot of dirt on the stainless steel table.

You notice them share another glance through your peripheral vision. Frypan leans towards you.

"Y/N... we never hated you. We loved you. Especially Newt", his words are full of such softness, you almost believe him. But then you get a flash of a memory.

"Why is she even still here?", Minho sighs.
"Yeah, we don't want her ", Thomas agrees.
"She's so useless and annoying! She always wants to hang out with me", Chuck shouts. Not him too.
"Ok, then it's settled. She'll be banished at sunset", Alby decides and everyone cheers.

You press your back against the side of the Homestead, panting in fear. They're going to banish you. Before they can do that, you run across the field. A few boys notice and shout for someone to catch you, but before they can you run into the maze.

"Well that's one way to get rid of her", frypan laughs, and all the boys join in.

"Y/N? Y/N! Snap out of it!", Minho shakes you.

You glare at him, shifting your gaze to stare daggers at each boy at the table. Without a word, you get up and walk to the table you were originally heading to, with the grey-hooded boy.

"What the hell was that?", Minho whispers as you walk away, and you flip them off.

You sit down across from the other boy and he peers up at you through his thick eyelashes, his face half hidden from the shadows of his hood. He stares silently at you for a moment and you make direct eye contact with him, which makes your stomach do flips. You give him a half smile, which he returns with heavy blushing. You both break eye contact.

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