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When you jolted awake, a deep gasp of air coming in in a desperate manner, well... it was safe to say you shocked some people; mostly, the two holding you.

You were yet again disoriented, thanks to the constant change of location. You just saw a rusty looking hallway with exposed piping along the ceiling and... everywhere else honestly. The place looked like it was falling apart.

You look around dazedly, blinking harshly to try and clear your mind of the visions. Visions? Memories? For some reason it didn't feel like a past event. It almost left you with a feeling of anticipation and anxiety. A sense of what's to come. But that's obviously not possible; visions, flashes of something that vivid couldn't possibly be anything but a past experience. Otherwise, how would you have seen it? Nightmares do exist and those are often just events that our minds conjure up but this... this felt different.

You didn't have much time to dwell on it though, because before you knew it two people were crowding you, sounding like frantic mothers.

"Y/N??", said two voices at once.

Your head snapped to look at them and your eyes were met with black first, and those goldeny ones next. Aris and Newt.
You pretend to not notice the glare the Newt shoots the forementioned.

"Are you alright? What was that all about?", the blonde asks, still rather frantic.

You consider for a second whether or not you should tell him. You'd sound insane. Absolutely bonkers. Crank-level coo-coo. Not to mention, you weren't even sure what you would tell. As you're considering that though, you look around and realize how many people there were. Eyes everywhere. Even if you did choose to tell him at some point, now definitely wasn't the time.

"Uhm, just... residual shocks. The lighting, y'know?", you mumble, stepping away from both of the boys rigid grasps. You clear your throat, looking out at the many people and notice a couple new ones. You give a small nod, followed by a half-hearted smile.

"Carry on"

You all continued walking through the dusty, groaning building. You stayed rather silent, and Newt's side glances didn't make your unease settle. He watched you with concern from a safe enough distance, as if you were a time bomb. Maybe you were. You'd been having these... episodes? For a while now, and the only consistent thing about them is how inconsistent they were. There was no telling when they'd happen, what triggered them, or even that in the fuck they were. You just felt... unstable. You honestly couldn't blame him for wanted to stay back.

Although clearly someone else didn't feel that way, as you felt a hand on your shoulder. Surprisingly, you didn't flinch when you felt the warm palm and boney fingers caress your shoulder, because you knew who it was without a glance. The only one who didn't seem to think you were incredibly fragile, unstable— scary. The only other person who was just as much of an oddity as yourself. Aris.

"Hey... you're okay", he said flatly. His words didn't have that high pitched connotation most peoples did, as if speaking to a child. It was calm and confident; not a reassurance, but a fact. You just nodded back, not feeling the need to muster up a crooked smile to show you appreciated the gesture.


Newt POV

I didn't know if I should watch or look away when he touched them, his face so unreadable. It was like when the Gladers would leave into the Maze; a grim, gruesome sight, but one you can't quite pull your eyes from. My jaw twitched in irritation as I forced my neck stiff to prevent me from staring at the altercation. Never would I doubt Y/N's loyalty, but Aris... I certainly wouldn't doubt his cunning, creepy nature either.

"I don't trust him." I spat through gritted teeth, which simply elicited a chuckle from Minho.

"Don't trust him, or don't like him?", he said with a smirk.


He shook his head, kicking at the pebbles literally the cement hall, "listen man, you can't just assume the worst just 'cuz he's got the hots for Y/N". His eyes trailed to the pair as he mentioned them, a smirk pulling at his lips, "I mean really, can you blame him?"

It took me a second to process his words, and once I did I shot a disgusted glance his way, "Minho, I swear to bloody shuck—"

"Jokes, jokes..." he chuckled, looking around at this place.

"So... whaddya figure is next?"

I had to stare at him for a moment after hearing those words. Was this my Minho? Getting philosophical?

"Did the lightning shake ya up a bit there mate? You're talkin' silly".

"I know, I know, I just mean...", he stared off in the distance down the hall, in a way that only a dramatic teen with his level of hormones can manage, "is this shuck-show really much better than the Maze? At least there we had water, grass..."

"Yeah, and cameras and deadly mechanical spiders", I chuckle, shaking my head, "personally, I'd trade luxury for freedom anyday. I'm sure your pampered arse would disagree though". I tried to keep cracking jokes to keep the mood lighter, not wanting to see the serious side of Minho; the day that happens is the day we're all doomed.

He smiled at the ground in a forced kinda way, just nodding and muttering a "yeah, right...". I had to admit, I was kind of worried for him. This place already had everyone out of sorts...

"Alright Hermanos, and that concludes the end of your luxurious tour—" Jorge begins. Whoops, had he been talking that whole time? "— now, I must ask that you—"

A bang sounds from the lower level and everyone stiffens, even Jorge and Brenda.

"What was that?" Tommy asks skeptically.


The sound of metal clattering on stone, followed by another loud agonous groan from the building. Then, footsteps clanging up the metal stairs.

"Jorge??" Sonya asks frantically. The old man looked stunned.

Clangg, errrr— Thud.

"Uhhh... heh, yeah, I'd say run".



Ayoo. Like I said in my conversation board, consistent updates aren't existent (clearly) and still won't be, but I found this unfinished draft from last year and decided to finish it up. Once again, you can go follow my current account if ya want, but I've completely shifted fandoms. Im a weeb now 😞 devestating, I know.

I'm sorry for all the confusion and anguish I may have caused you with my bullshitting, but for now, im gonna call this goodbye. Im sorry the last chapter I give is some random filler, but heyy, it's smth, right?

For maybe, the final time: thank you for reading, love ya

— A3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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