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The room was horrifying. The dim, blue-purple light cast an eerie glow on the lab, shining off all the silver tools that laid on the tables in the room. But you barely noticed the sharp, terrifying objects scattered about, because the first thing your eye caught on was the many tubes spaced evenly around the rectangular room. Inside the large cylindric tubes are bodies; bodies floating in a suspicious liquid with censors and strings attached to practically every part of their bodies.

The first ten-ish tanks are filled, but there's many empty ones remaining. Like someone is filling them, which means they're going to need more people....

"They've been taking someone new every day", Aris informs you, as if he had read your mind.

"So any of us could be next...", you finish ominously. The thought of seeing your friends
enveloped in the pods of alienated liquid sends chills through your body.

There's a long silence as you both search around a little more, and after you've checked about every corner, you sigh and turn back to Aris, who's already looking in your direction.

"What do you think?", he asks. You're shocked to see that he's looking to you for guidance, but you're honoured nonetheless.

"I think we need to get everyone out of here, now".


Newts POV

Tommy bursts through the vent from under his bed and we all jump.

"Bloody hell mate, you gave me a shucking heart attack", I gasp and everyone laughs at me.

"Everyone...experiment...Teresa... escape...now", he pants, and I place my hand on his shoulder as he doubles over in exhaustion.

"We didn't get any of that slinthead", Minho deadpans as he moves to Thomas's other side, "explain again, like a normal human"

"They're taking people... keeping them in this room with tanks and wires. I think they're experimenting on us. We need to escape. Aris has already gone to warn the girls. We're making a plan tonight", Thomas explains. Everyone goes silent with shock, having no words and no energy to try to disagree.

"Are you sure Thomas, I mean—," Minho starts, but Tommy cuts him off.

"I'm positive. These people, they work for WICKED, and we can't trust them".

That name jogs my memory. WICKED.... "The supplies. In the Glade. They had that same name on them"

"Does that mean...", Winston starts, looking up at Thomas. He nods.

"WICKED made the maze. And now they're holding us hostage here".

Everyone immediately bursts, accusations and colourful language flying around the room in chaos. Some people take Tommy's side, agreeing that we should escape, while others were content staying here.

After five minutes or so of verbal attacks, the Gladers begin to get physical, and that's when I step in.

"Listen up!", I yell loudly, my voice ringing through the small cement room causing everyone to go silent, "there's no need to argue. I agree that Tommy's idea is bloody crazy, and probably will get us killed, but I also know that the last time we thought he was crazy, it wound up with us out of the maze. So all of you that want to stay, so be it, but I for one trust Thomas", I look at Tommy and pat him on the shoulder, "I'd follow him anywhere"

He smiles up at me as everyone remains in stunned silence.

"Okay then, everyone who's coming, say I", Minho shouts and an echo of 'I's ring through the room; a few people stay silent, bowing their heads in attempt to appear invisible.

"Well, all we need to do now is meet up with the girls", Thomas shrugs nonchalantly.

"Actually-," Aris starts, but before he can finish an Asian girl with short black hair climbs out of the vent, jumping up and brushing off her clothes.

"Sup sticks", she smirks as more girls follow her.

The fourth girl to climb out is painfully familiar, with her Y/H/L, Y/H/C hair and soft skin. Y/N.

She stands up and brushes her hair out of her face before looking around and examining everyone in the room. Her eyes barley sweep my face, and when they do they're filled with a mingled expression of confusion and almost disgust. I guess it would be weird for her to have a stranger hug her while sobbing, but still. It hurt.

More and more people pile through the vents, but eventually the flow stops and the small room is completely crowded.

"So everyone in this room is in?", Thomas asks and Aris and a few girls nod.

One girl with curly black hair and dark skin shoves passed Minho who stares blankly in confusion.

"Well, let's get planning"

Word Count: 826

A/N— Sorry this chapter is crappy and short but that's life so deal with it :)

That's all.... So thank you for reading, have a good night/morning/day, whatever, just have good life <3


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