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Ik I usually put authors notes at the end but this is beginning-of-chapter importance.

So, if you haven't been reading my page (rUde), then here's a quick little update.
Whilst writing this book I was genderfluid, so she pronouns was chill for me, but now, tis a no no. I don't have the motivation to go back and change the pronouns, but from here on out it'll be they/them. I don't think that should effect y'all unless ur a bigot, in which case; leave.

Secondly: I barely remember the plot of Maze runner, let alone the plot I had for these books, bUt— oh well. I'd like to think my writing has improved a liTtle, so even if it's not the original plot, it's still something. I'm really trying for you guys 😭

And finAlly— this book was already dark, right?
wRong. It's boutta get a lot worse, so this is just a general TW for the entire thing, although I will still be putting specifics at the beginning of chapters.

I think that's it soOoO... yeah. and now, for the mUch awaited new chapter:


"Hola, hermanos~", says a voice from above, before suddenly, the figure drops down in the middle of the group, almost trampling Tommy with his graceful dismount.

Everyone immediately flies into chaos, pulling out weapons and screaming threats at the man. I tried to jump up, but with Y/N's head on my lap and my freshly irritated leg, it wasn't worth it, and by the time I was almost standing, the man had already started explaining himself.

"Hey hey, calm down buddies, I'm not a crank! Well, not yet at any rate. I just heard you youngins might be in need of assistance, and I came to help", the man explained himself seemingly genuinely, but something about his general tone made it sound like it had underlying meaning... or maybe that was just the omniscience of the sentence.

"What do you mean by 'not yet'??"
"Why should we trust you!?"
"What do you know about WICKED??"

Everyone continues to bombard him with questions, and finally, I stepped in, my head already aching enough from the events of the lightning storm. I balanced Y/N on my side and spoke up.

"Will all of you shut the bloody hell up?? Let the man breathe for christ's sake", I try to keep my voice raised in an authoritative manner, but everything was still sore.

The man gives me a grateful smile and slowly lowers his hands— that had flown up as if he was defending himself against animals rather than teens— and turns to examine everyone in the room. His eyes seem to flash slightly at the sight of you, but it was so quick I easily could have been hallucinating.

"The names' Jorge. Me an' a group of others have been living here ever since the Flare came about. I heard y'all saying you wanted help? here I am". For such an old looking man, he spoke so young.

Everyone looks between each other, clearly distrusting. What if this man was infected himself?? This could easily be a trap.

"Jorge, what's goin' on down there?!", a female voice shouts from above, a head slightly peaking through the broken, holey rebar of the building.

"Found a group o' kids. They're sayin sumthin' about WICKED"

That sparks some interest in the group, murmurs floating around, the main question being 'what do they know about WICKED? And how?'

Suddenly another figure drops from the skies, presumably the girls voice they had just heard. She lowly wolf-whistles as she turns, eyeing every person in the room seemingly up and down.

"Well shit... these must be the kids from... wow...", she mutters oddly.

There's a large moment of silence before finally, Minho— unsurprisingly— has something to say.

"Okay, can someone plEase, for the love of shuck, just give us a straight answer as to what the hell this place is, and what's going on?? Full explanation. Where the shuck, who the shuck and whY the shuck is... all of it!!", while his words are mostly unintelligible slang and frustrated grunts, he accurately portrays what everyone has been thinking.

"All I can really say for now is, we're the Right Arm, and it would be in your best interest to come with us, seeing how beat up you all are just from your first— what? Two days out here?" The unidentified girl snorts, turning without another word and just walking off. Everyone just stares at her back in confusion before the older man— Jorge?— nudges them along with a brief, "Well?? She doesn't like to be kept waiting".

There's yet another collective glance around at  one another before there seems to be a mutual deciding that whoever was in this building, was better than whoever, or more accurately, whatever, lay outside it. At least they seem decently coherent.

And after that, everyone follows along, Minho assisting me in carrying Y/N through the small doorway with you mildly twitching every once in a while, whilst the old man ushers us all through the door, away from the hellscape that we had just crossed.

Whatever the 'Right Arm' is, it surely can't be as bad as what we've been through so far... right?


Your POV

The lightning left your body wracking with tremors that you could still feel, even in unconsciousness.

You felt... strange. You were somewhat aware of your surroundings, but at the same time everything felt completely off. Like falling asleep in a vehicle and waking up at your destination in what felt like seconds. Everything was disorienting— not to mention the sensation throughout your body.

It started in your legs, the last part of your body to have made contact with the scalding electricity. A feeling of numbness while simultaneously painful awareness. As if you could practically feel the blood pumping through each vein in your leg, fuelling each painfully alive nerve ending. And not alive in the way it should be, but more like a live wire. Like a single touch could send you back to your original seizing state.

And then you begin slipping completely in and out of awareness. One second you could feel everything and see nothing, and the next was just complete with nothing. That's when the visions start to hit.

A bright, beautiful city with blue tones all around.
A small, single cement room complete with nothing but a gun, and a rabbit.

A bright mossy field, harshly blinding sun.
A stone wall adorned with blood.

An old pickup. Blond hair. Pink lips. Pale skin. Soft freckles. Rich eyelashes. Sharp jaw.

A bright, glassy building.
A large window in front of you.
Your body slamming into the glass.

And suddenly... awake.

A/N pt2. Ok... so... ok? Idk I can't remember the plot besides what I made up, so very few interactions and stuff are gonna be canonical... respectfully, cope with it. But overall, not bad for my first chapter in like 2 years, am I right?

I'm not gonna make promises, but I will hopefully have like one chapter every 2 weeks ishHh, but trUst me it's not gonna be clockwork.

that's all, as always, love you


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