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TW: panic attack

Your POV

After approximately an hour of bickering between the boys and the girls— mostly between Minho and Harriet— you have an almost solid plan.

The gist of it was fairly simplistic. Some people are going to get everyone to the exit while a few others, including yourself, go and get a key card from the lab, while also freeing those who have been pickled, or whatever they're doing in those jars.

Okay... so it's not the most well thought out plan. But it's enough. What could go wrong?

"Tonight, we'll sneak through the vents, take down a guard, then break your sorry butts outta here", Miyoko says confidently, clapping her hands together with a satisfied nod.

"Erm, no. Back up. WE, will be the sorry-butt-breaker-outers", Thomas complains, gesturing to the boys.

"Yeah, you guys are flimsy. I doubt you could change a lightbulb, let alone bring down a fully suited guard with weapons. Right guys?", Winston chuckles, smirking. A few boys back him up, but Frypan, Thomas, Zart, that Newt kid and a few others stay silent, bowing their heads.

Sonya grins, and nods to you, "Y/N, show 'em".

"Gladly", you smirk, setting your gaze on a now confused Winston.

You run towards him—although, not very far considering how small the room is— and jump, grabbing onto a pipe in the roof before swinging and kicking Winston square in the chest, causing him to fall over and wheeze in pain. You drop down, straddling his chest with one arm raised— solely for intimidation purposes.

Whistles ring through the room, along with some 'daamnn's as everyone marvels over your skill. You can't exactly remember where you learned that from, just that it turned out to be helpful knowledge. You stand up whipping your hair out of your face before delicately stepping away from a still crippled Winston.

"Yeah, I think we can handle it", you wink at Thomas and he goes silent. You catch the blonde guy staring at Thomas in bewilderment, along with a hint of betrayal. You look at them, confused, and almost consider asking what it was about, but you know it's obviously not your place.

The girls file back into the vents, one after one until it's just Sonya, Harriet and you left.

"Bye boys, see ya when we rescue you", Harriet smiles at them sarcastically before climbing in the vents before she could hear their complaints.

"You aren't rescuing us! This is a group effort!", Minho shouts, and Sonya rolls her eyes—which is a rarity for her, considering how sweet she is.

"Oh please. You boys are little damsels in distress, begging for us to save you", she smirks before crawling away. Now you're the only girl left, and you bid your goodbyes to each boy, your eyes lingering for ten moments too long on the blonde boys eyes. Deep, brown, almost safe. Something about it feels so familiar. Before you can say anything to him, Harriet calls, "Yo Y/N! You coming?", she asks.

"Y-yeah! Right behind you!", you stutter back.
You bow your head awkwardly to Newt and climb back into the vent, slithering after your friends as your plan commences.

*Time skip*

Everyone has been waiting anxiously for midnight, when you can commence your plan. You lay on your back, fidgeting with your anklet. It's just a braided piece of twine, but it's important to the Icers. It's sort of a symbol of belonging. Everyone gets one at some point, but you have to earn it. You got yours after your first day in the Maze.

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