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Nobody really had a plan— in fact, you really had nothing.

Everybody walked in pitiful silence, the only sound being the crunch of the stones beneath your feet. Once you escaped the WICKED Compound, you just ran. And now you're wandering a desert, a scorched plain of nothing but sand.

After probably three hours, you finally break the silence.

"Okay, and we actually get our klunk together?", you stop abruptly and everyone follows suit.

"What do you mean?", Thomas questions and you roll your eyes— quite theatrically— at his incompetence.

"We're in the middle of a desert with no supplies, no food, no water and no shucking plan", you practically shout.

"She's got a point Tommy... we're lost", Newt confesses, and you cast him a grateful smile.

Thomas sighs and looks around, cupping a hand over his eyes to block the blinding sun. Suddenly, he smiles and begins running up a nearby slope.

"Thomas! What the hell man?!", Minho shouts exasperatedly.

With a unanimous groan, the group follows him. The sand slope is nearly impossible to climb, your feet constantly slipping out from under you and your face smacking into the sand, warning you a mouthful of the tiny, dry rocks. Aris gratefully helps you up though, and you can't help but smirk when your eyes meet, his hand still in yours.

"Thomas I swear... I'm going... to push you off... of this bloody mountain", Newt pants, but Thomas remains unaffected, and once you reach the top, you can see why.

A giant, dilapidated city stands in front of you. It looks broken and run-down, but there's some signs of life amongst it.

"Well shuck me...", you mutter to yourself, a grin finding its way across your face.

"Gladly". Minho smirks, and it takes you a moment to register what he said, but when it does you gasp and punch him aggressively on the arm.

"Yeah, okay, we found a city, but it's still at least twenty miles away", Winston deadpans and you can't help but roll your eyes at him.

"Well sitting around and talking won't help us get there, will it? So come on sticks", you smirk and throw yourself down the dune. You stand on your feet, sliding down skillfully, and once you reach the bottom safely— giving a little bow as you do so— everyone follows suit.

Time skip cuz I'm lazy

Eventually, night comes, and when it does you take the opportunity to rest willingly. The long day of nothing but sunburn and dehydration has you dead— and not to mention the feeling in the pit of your stomach. You're hungry and thirsty and hot and just overall pissed.

The group finds a small cave-like structure— well, not really a cave, it's more of an indent in the sand-hill, but either way it blocks the wind.

You all huddle up, trying to squeeze into the small space. You find yourself crushed between Miyoko and Sonya. It reminds you of the long nights in the Springs, when the wailing of the Grievers was loud and everyone was terrified.

Somehow the thought of those long nights brings you comfort. When everything was simple— well, as simple as life can be when your trapped in a maze.

But there's one thing that's not right; one major aspect that's missing: Bella. The poor, innocent— for the most part— child is out there somewhere with no protection. Who knows what the people that took her are like...

You can't help but think the worst. Terrible images fill your head of what could be happening to your sidekick.

You shake your head slightly. Bella is strong, she can handle herself. But even if she's capable, shes still just a kid. She doesn't deserve this. None of you deserve this.

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