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(Possible TW: needles)


That must be why she doesn't remember me. She's being manipulated.

For a second, I doubt myself. I try to tell myself that she just doesn't want me anymore and that I shouldn't deny it, but the delusion kicks logic aside, leaving only room for my crazy accusations.

I try to dig more, hoping to pry more info out of this man.

"So, if someone was under the effects of this technology, would they be fully submissive to it? Or would it be more specific things out of their control", I try to sound smart when I say it, taking pauses and posing it like a curios question rather then a pleading attempt at knowing what's happening with my girlfriend.

If I can even call her that anymore...

The man gives me a suspicious squint, but nods his head anyways, "yes, well if depends on many things. How much we desire to know or control, how easily the persons mind is to access. Or if there's certain things to be removed, this device can do that as well". He sounds so proud of this evil piece of technology, admiring and caressing it like a prized possession— but I suppose, that it would be for him.

I think about that for a moment, staring absently as I walk behind Rat- Man.

This place isn't safe. These people are trying to control us.

"So, Mr....?"

"Janson. You can call me Janson"

"Ok, Mr. Janson, what exactly did you bring me here for?", I ask hesitantly.

"Just a check up. Get you a few vaccinations and such. Nothing to worry about", he answers shortly. But I did worry. I don't trust these people.

Finally, he opens another door, and half nudges/half shoves me into the room. There are a few beds lining the walls with a curtain separating each bed. Heart monitors, IV's, and other such things are hanging beside each bed. The place feels oddly familiar, but I can't tell why.

The door slams behind me and I jump. Grumbling to myself, I take a seat on the edge of the nearest bed. My knee bounces up and down as I wait anxiously; I've never liked needles.

A few long minutes later, a nurse walks in. Her dark brown hair is tied up in a messy bun and she looks rather frantic, until she notices me sitting there, then she immediately collects herself. It's almost scary how quick she switched off her emotions.

"A5", she nods politely, "I apologize for my tardiness".

She busies herself with setting up different medical tools; laying out vials of different substances and prepping her needles and such.

"Erm... Mrs?", I question, trying to get her attention.

She looks over at me and raises her eyebrows, "yes?"

"Why does everyone keep calling me A5?", I ask and I see the ghost of a smile on her face.

"It's just a label you've been given. A subject number. It's easier then remembering everyone's names", she chuckles lightly at the end, but I'm just left confused.

Label? Subject? They make it sound like I'm an object, or animal getting led to slaughter.

The nurse seems to sense my distraught and gives me a faint smile, "hey, don't worry. It's nothing bad, okay? You can trust me"

I look up at her, and something in her expression soothes me. She has an oddly motherly aura.

I nod and she steps back again, stabbing the vial with the needle and extracting the liquid. I get a little dizzy at the sight, but I trust this lady, and she said it was okay.

She takes the needle in one hand and an alcohol wipe in the other, cleaning the area on my forearm before injecting the serum.

She repeats this process about ten more times, stabbing the same spot on my arm— which, I gotta admit, hurt.

After a while another nurse, a man this time, comes back to escort me back to my room. All the other Gladers are already waiting there. As soon as I enter the room, they go silent and all look up at me.

"Newt—," Winston starts, but I put my hand out to stop him.

"Don't worry mate, it's fine"

Minho looks at me with his face scrunched in confusion, "you're telling me that the love of your life tells you she has no idea who you are, and you're fine?"

I nod, which earns more confused glances from the boys.

"Yes, I am fine, because I just found something out"

I pause as I sit down and the boys levitate towards me, forming a circle around the bed I was sitting on. After a while of building suspense Minho groans and smacks me aside the head.

"Get on with it ya shank!"

I chuckle and take a deep breath, then I explain everything.

Your POV

You pace around the room trying to put everything together. Flashes of moments in the maze hit you as you try to put the pieces together.

Trials. Subjects. Connected.

You know the mazes are more then predicted. It wasn't just a torturous game. It was a test. A puzzle to be solved. But you just can't figure out why.

"Can you stop pacing? It's making me dizzy", Miyoko groans and with a sigh, you sit down.

"It doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense", you growl as you claw at your hair.

"You're going crazy", Harriet chuckles, "seriously, don't worry about it! We're safe".

"The thing is, I don't think we are. These mazes were practically the same, but opposite. And these people, I don't trust them. There's definitely something going o—," you were cut off by Harriet.

"Shh!", she hisses, looking around like a cat chasing a fly.

"Don't shush me during my speech, bit—"

"No, I hear something. Be quiet"

You go silent, and then you hear it too. A distant rattling noise, then a loud, echoey thud.

Ccchink, ccchink, thud. Ccchink, ccchink, thud.

That repeats over and over, until a loud clattering sounds above your heads, and the vent grate falls at your feet, almost hitting you on the head.

All the girls scream as someone suddenly jumps out of the vent.

Word Count: 1040

A/N— sorry, this chapter is short, but so are you.
I'm sure you can guess who just joined the party lol.

Also, put questions in the comments and I shall answer them cuz I'm bored and stuff, so yeah.

I started school again so updates may vary, sorry!

Thanks for reading, and thanks for almost 10k on my other story!


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