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Guards immediately surround you, yanking you back by the elbows and whipping you in all directions. You struggle against them, trying to get another go at the old witch, but they have an iron grip on you.

Dr. Paige has a handkerchief covering her now bleeding nose, drops of blood splattering her crisp white shirt.

You cuss and scream at both Ava and the guards restraining you but they keep tugging you back.

"Release her", Ava demands and both the guards look at each other in confusion before shoving you away. You stick your tongue out at them before scrambling to your feet and facing Ava Paige.

A few hairs have fallen out of her overly-tight bun and her makeup is slightly smudged. She smiles at you.

"Y/N. You've still got fire, I see", you can't tell if that's a compliment or not, but either way you continue to scowl at her.

"What do you want from me?", you demand.

"I just want you back"

"You mean, you want the murderer back? Because she's gone, and she's not coming back"

Ava turns to face the window dramatically and you roll your eyes, which causes a sharp pain in your head.

"That girl isn't dead. She's a part of you. I've noticed it throughout the maze trials"

Maze trials? You wonder. Why was this woman being so ominous?

"K', what's your deal lady?", you ask in annoyance. She shoots you an almost disgusted glance before shaking it off and returning her gaze to the skyline.

"You're my deal Y/N", she walks over to her desk and takes a key out of her breast pocket and unlocking the centre drawer. She pulls out a single, oddly familiar, manila folder, and hands it to you before strutting off somewhere in the room— you didn't care to put attention to her. You were far too infatuated with the seemingly important file she just handed to you. Was it that easy?

"That file contains everything you need to know about yourself. I wouldn't usually give this information to my subjects this early on in the trials, but I feel this could be beneficial later on", her voice rings from somewhere in the shadows.

"t-thank you?", you stutter and look up to see Ava grinning at you. Ava Paige, grinning? It looked very out of place.

You begin to flip open the file when suddenly Dr. Paiges hand stops you. You jump when her cold, wrinkled skin makes contact with yours. Wasn't she just half way across the room?

"Not here. Take it back to your room for some... late night reading", she smiles slightly and you stare at her in confusion. You can hear the guards open the door behind you, followed by their heavy footsteps, and Ava quickly looks at the file then to your torso. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you hide the file under your shirt, tucking it under the waistband of your pants to hold it in place, then look back up at her with a questioning look. She nods and turns swiftly away.

The guards grab both your elbows and spin you around then proceed to march out the door. You turn for one last glance at the doctor, peering over your shoulder, and— although you were still pretty loopy from being fried multiple times— you swear she winked at you.

You're dragged down multiple hallways and up many flights of stairs, being whipped around like a rag doll, but you just stay quiet. You're mind is still in the office with Dr.Paige. The way she talked to you.... It wasn't like you were some kind of prisoner, but more like a guest; an old friend or family member.

You snap back to your senses when you're thrown against the cold, hard tile floor. The couple chuckles come from the direction of the guards and you quickly scramble to your feet, casting them a threatening glare.

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