sleepover with toman

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i haven't seen anyone do this yet, but if someone has and i wrote something similar pls let me know <33

- it was held at takemichis apartment which wasnt even his idea, mikey decided it so everyone listened to him ofc

- you, mikey and draken were the first ones to arrive

- mitsuya was the last one to arrive, he was like an hour late and everyone yelled at him for it

- baji refuses to put his sleeping bag near anyone else's bcos he thinks it's gay :/ so they made him sleep in the bathroom

- smiley attempts to tap on ppls shoulders and pretend it wasn't him, but he's done it so many times it's unbelievably obvious

- you and mitsuya are in charge of the food, but while y'all are cooking mikey keeps coming into the kitchen to steal some food

- hakkai was texting yuzuha the whole time and takemichi was texting hina

- smiley and angry let you paint their nails, you painted smileys white and angrys black. smiley messed it up straight away by accident but angry was lowkey fascinated

- mikey wanted to try doing your makeup so he suggested a competition on who does your makeup the best. he ended up coming last and mitsuya won lmsoakdoaao

- baji and chifuyu are wrestling with each other but chifuyu ends up crying bcos baji went to hard on him

- takemichi is constantly yelling at everyone to be careful and not break anything

- at some point during the night draken puts on a sad movie and everyone settles down. at the end of the movie everyone has tears in there eyes, and then y'all suddenly hear a loud sob and turn ur heads to see baji crying and punching his pillow

- smiley and angry have matching pyjamas sets

- takemichi has a shirt that says "nap time is happy hour!"

- mitsuya, draken and baji sleep w their shirts off

- mikey sleeps in whatever he has on that day

- kazutora wears a silk pyjama set

- chifuyu just wears a random shirt and shorts he found on the floor

- you, mikey, mitsuya and kazu do face masks at the same time, taking selfies and chatting

- you also forced smiley and angry to try it so they allowed u to apply it on them, angrys face stayed scrunched up the whole time claiming it feels weird, smiley said he liked it

- you touched up on mitsuya brow slit because he trusts you to do it better than himself

- the others don't rlly care ab skin care they just wash their faces w hand soap and their shit is still smoother than my skin 

- around 2am everyone starts to get sleepy, but someone farts which sets them all off. you have to leave the room cuz it stanks too much 😭

- no one can fall asleep now and you can occasionally hear giggles

- the only one who's asleep during all of this is mikey, this mf can sleep through anything. he's also cuddling w a pillow

- chifuyu talks in his sleep, and he moves around a lot, he probably hits the people around him

- you sleep on the couch while the boys sleep on the floor, purrr

- mitsuya woke up at some point to go to the bathroom but he forget baji was sleeping in there and stepped on him

- everyone kept waking up through the night cuz pah snores like a dad

- in the morning you woke up to the feeling of something ticklish on your face, you open your eyes to see mikey and smiley leaning over you, when they see you waking up they pretend to fall asleep. and then u looking around to see that everyone has a moustache or penis drawn on their faces 💀

- draken cooks fried eggs and spam on rice for breakfast

- kazutora, pah sleep in till like 2 in the afternoon

if you have any requests feel free to leave a comment, and if you would like an individual character x reader one shot i have another story, you can leave a request there! <33

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if you have any requests feel free to leave a comment, and if you would like an individual character x reader one shot i have another story, you can leave a request there! <33

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