amusement park + authors note

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- mikey, smiley and baji definitely forced everyone to try out all rides

- poor chifuyu is afraid of heights so he didn't wanna go on any of the rides but baji kept calling him a pussy

- hina wanted to ride on those little kid rides specifically the teacup one so takemichi went on with her, he threw up in his mouth twice because hina kept spinning the teacup 

- takemichi and hakkai are definitely the people who pass out on a ride 😭

- mikey forced draken to buy him food every single food van/store there was, and he still went on rides with a full stomach

- mitsuya brought his siblings along so he only went on the kid rides and sometimes hina and takemichi joined :)

- chifuyu and kazutora enjoyed the water rides more than the dry ones

- the twins went on this really twisted roller coaster and poor angry was screaming his head off which made smiley piss himself laughing

-  halfway throughout the day mikey fell asleep so draken had to carry him on his back 💀

- it's a sunny day so mitsuya applies sunscreen on his siblings and himself every few hours

- if the line for a ride had like 10+ people mikey would refuse to line up, he'd complain it'll take too long and would try to find a ride that's less crowded

- draken has no facial expression when he's on a ride it almost looks as if he's bored 💀

hihi everyone,

firstly i just wanted to say im sorry that this chapter is so short AH im brain dead and cant think of anything else.
i also wanted to apologise for not updating for ab a day or two, i didn't have the motivation but im back on track now dw,

currently in my drafts i have a kazutora, izana, inui, sanzu and a sneaking out with toman hc (incompleted) but if you have any ideas you can just comment here, i try to complete everyones requests so pls don't feel any hesitations to comment or even dm me!

also tysm everyone for the support i honestly started this book not expecting this many people to read it, i love every single one of y'all's comments they make my day! <3

random facts about myself (•̀ᴗ•́)و

- my pronouns are she/they!

- i have a dog named milo, he's a cavoodle

- i have two irl friends HELPEOFPEODKD

- my fav anime is nana and my fav manga is tokyo revengers !!

- my fav character from nana is shin and my fav characters from tr are mikey and smiley , hbu?

- i recently came out as pan

- family is my number one priority idc id die for them

- i cant sleep without this lion soft toy and this purple mini blanket i've had since i was a kid

okay that's all i'm writing cuz i'm lazy help

i hope you have a good day/night!!

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