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hey guys, how has your day/night been?

i started playing genshin last week, im ar 20 and i main keqing. does anyone play on the asian server?? :D

anyways sorry this is short, my mind is blank 😭

- izana would wear matching heels with you AHSGJDHSHFSJ

- he's down to wear matching outfits too

- his love language is psychical touch!! he especially loves to kiss your hand

- has lip gloss on him at all times and would let you borrow it

- he loves coffee but not tea

- when he first met you he was probably a big bitch

- when y'all first started dating he was probably a little toxic cuz he's never experienced love before, but you helped him learn :)

- he either smells like sweet perfume or nothing at all

- his likes to go on late night walks with you, both of you not speaking just walking in silence, hand in hand

- he's always thought relationships are stupid, that they're a waste of time, but that changed when he met you

- his breath is always minty

- his hands are very.. skinny? skinny and long and his nails are super clean

- he has heaps of candles in his room, lavender scented to be specific

- his fav scent is lavender

- he's afraid to love and afraid to show his vulnerable side

- he has trust issues, you need to constantly reassure him that you're his

- his handwriting is cursive but bold if that makes sense

- his hair is thin and silky

- i feel like he'd wear turtle necks, watches, bracelets and anklets

- he's old school, would buy you roses and shit like that and maybe write you a corny letter

- would kill for you theres no doubt

- he would take you to visit the philippines

- if you don't like something, he'll destroy it. for example, you mention to him how much you hate school and the next day you see on the news that your school got burnt down

- would paint his nails white

- his eyelashes are longer than yours 😋

oh fun fact i'm half filipino like izana 😫

i hope you have a good rest of the day/night ty for reading  <3

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