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ty for requesting 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

- like izana, he'd wear matching heels with you

- has a collection of heels, boots and sneakers in his room. definitely a shoe collector

- probably likes lofi type of music

- HE GIVES THE BEST HUGSSS OH MY GAWD. he wraps his arms around your body and pulls you in close to his chest, gives you a kiss on the top of ur head when doing so

- he smells good, best smelling tr character imo. he smells fresh, his cologne is fresh and maybe minty? either that or he smells like fresh n clean laundry

- good listener, not the type to comfort you by words, only his company. he'll nod and understand when you're venting and is willing to sit with you for hours

- he's very good at noticing and remembering small details about you, it could be the way you cover your mouth when you laugh, the way your eyebrow twitches when something upsets you, the way you fall completely silent when you're tired, anything really, he'll remember it smile softly when he thinks of you

- he finds it so attractive when you talk excitedly about something ur passionate about, the way you start talking faster and faster and the way your eyes sparkle as they stare into his eyes, he can't help but smile along with you

- your relationship with him isn't private, but he doesn't talk about it much with others. it's only sometimes he has long talks with kokonoi about you, he tells koko the things he loves about you, his cheeks pink the whole time. one time, he accidentally slips out, "i'm gonna marry her someday." this leaves koko shocked but then he agrees to help pay for weddings funds

- expect late night walks with him at the beach, he'll hold your hand as you walk along the sand in silence. both of you just enjoying company of each other and the breeze of the cool air

- inui doesn't like calling or facetiming, he'd prefer to just text. sometimes he'll call you, when he misses your voice too much

- he never texts in caps. he always laughs like "haha" or sum shit like that😭

- most definitely uses "<3" all the time

- no pet names for you, maybe he calls u 'babe' occasionally but most of the times he just calls you by your name

- it mightve been a little difficult at first for him to open up to you, but the more you got to know each-other the more he felt like he could rely on you

- i feel like this man is flexible, he can probably do the splits and dance well

- fav places to kiss u is ur cheek and lips!!

- if he ever brings you to gang meetings for whatever reason be prepared to be standing behind him the entire time. he'll tell you to hold onto his arm and hide behind him, he doesn't like brining you to meetings but sometimes there's no choice

- bro is loyal as hell, he won't even bother to look at another girl. all he needs is you

- he definitely wears an extremely oversized t-shirt and plaid pyjama pants to sleep.he looks rlly cuddly in the shirt you can't help but smother him with kisses

- he likes being the little spoon when you cuddle but will always be the big spoon bcs you also like being the little spoon. he doesn't tell you because he puts ur needs and wants first

- he's wears dangly and hoop earrings

- he wears lots of jewellery actually. necklaces, rings, bracelets, an anklet. they're all gold

- he loves jewellery, so expect him to get you jewellery for gifts. he always gives them to you with a teddy bear alongside that's sprayed with his cologne

- he the type to carry lip balm, hand sanitizer, hand cream and sunscreen wherever he goes, u don't need to worry about bringing stuff like that he's always got it

- when he smiles, his eyebrows raise a bit and he looks like a puppy

- he will adopt a cat and name it after you

- praises u everyday, at anything u do. often tells u he's proud of you

- likes being praised too, if u tell him ur proud of him it'll make him flustered

- he likes vanilla cupcakes, especially the ones u bake

- when it's cold or snowing, his nose and cheeks turn really pink and he looks like he's blushing

- when it's cold or snowing, his nose and cheeks turn really pink and he looks like he's blushing

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kakucho next maybee unless i change ma mind 😧


have a nice day/night :)

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