sneaking out with toman

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guys im gonna write this like a story instead of the usual dot points, it'll b easier for this scenario😟

ty to whoever requested this it was rlly fun to write <333

it's currently 12am and you're lying in your bed, searching for a, cough, spicy fanfic to read when you hear a light tap coming from your window.

you stop and stare at it, waiting to see if it'll happen again, but it doesn't. thinking nothing of it, you continue to scroll through your phone but just 5 seconds later, it happens again, louder this time. you slightly jump at the noise and sit up.

your window is on the second floor, how the hell could someone be knocking on it?
your heart begins to quicken as terrifying thoughts rush into your mind.. a demon? is it a demon? a ghost maybe? oh my god, vecna??? am i gonna die? without controlling your thoughts, your mind begins to in-vision some demon like figure dramatically crashing into your room and brutally murdering you. you slap yourself across the face for letting your stupid intrusive thoughts take over your silly mind.

"y/n.." a voice whispers. oh hell no, you jump off your bed and back away from the window, heart beating so loud, you'd seen this happen in movies so you weren't about to be like those dumb victims who walk straight towards the strange noise which leads them to die.

you're just about to reach the door handle when the voice whispers again.

"y/n... it's me... mikey."

oh. what. mikey?

"what the fuck." you mutter under your breath letting out a big sigh of relief. snorting at your dramaticness you walk up to your window and sure enough, mikey is there, smiling up at you casually. you hear a chuckle coming from underneath him so you look down to see draken peering up at you with mikey sitting on his shoulders.

"jesus.." you mutter and open your window, the cool air flowing into your room. that's when you notice takemichi and mitsuya standing behind draken, leaning on your front fence. they wave at you, and you wave back, confused as ever.

"hey, y/n!" mikey exclaims, grinning at you. he excitedly waves his hand mad close to your face, blocking your view of takemichi and mitsuya.

"shh, my parents will hear you!" you whisper-shout and slap his hand away. "what the fuck are you doing? you scared me!"

"isn't it obvious? we've come to pick you up." mikey speaks as he drums his hands on drakens head and peering into your room.

"huh, pick me up? to go where? it's midnight, what makes you think i'll be allowed to go out?" you frown and move to block mikey from seeing your messy room. "it's a school night too." 

"don't care. just come, we only live once right?" mikey grins at you, dull eyes glistening in the moonlight.

draken grunts from below and he shifts to make himself more comfortable. "you're getting heavy now, man. just hurry up and come with us, y/n."

you look at them, unsure of what to do. it's a school night, you really should be going to sleep early.. but.. you're not tired. you'd be scrolling on your phone for hours anyway. plus, you have a great group of friends here, it would be a waste to not do something adventurous with them. yolo, right?

you sigh, "fine. but i can't go out the front door, my parents will hear me."

draken grins, "that's toman's princess for you, knew she'd come." he says and puts mikey down who's silently cheering.

ミ★ tokyo revengers headcanons ;; fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now