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guys i'm gonna cry. i miss him

- the nights kakucho dreams about izana are the hardest. you hold him tightly in your arms as he cries silently in his sleep, tears drenching your shirt. kissing his forehead and hushing him when he begins to softly whimper and shake, you cry with him, because it hurts to see him in so much pain. in the morning he doesn't remember anything.

- almost everyday, kakucho finds the time to talk to izana. he finds somewhere peaceful, maybe places where he and izana used to hang out, and he'd speak to the sky. he'd talk about you, how he wishes izana could've met you, how you'd get along with him, and he talks about how much he misses him. no one knows this expect for you

- he tells you a lot about izana, you practically know everything about the guy now, and sometimes kakucho accidentally retells stories but you don't say anything, you let him tell you over and over again. izana wasn't particularly a good man, but the way kakucho describes him.. you can't help but have love for him. kakuchos eyes that hold so much pain and heartbreak, and his sad smile when he speaks tenderly of izana, hurts your heart, this man is broken and you want to protect him forever.

- he tells you often that you are all he has left in this world after izana passed, he couldn't bear to lose anyone else

(bro why'd i write such depressing shit i'm sorry 😭😭 ok no more sad shit bellow i promise)

- kakucho is the type to get jealous easily but he doesn't do anything about it man's just stays silent

- HE SMELLS GOOD the type of scent he has is the type to make ppls hearts skip a beat

- his fav place to kiss you is your cheek

- because he's tall he likes lifting your face up with his finger to kiss you, his thumb on the tip of your chin and his index finger on the bottom of your chin lifting your face up slightly. he stares into your eyes for a few seconds before leaving in for a kiss

- i feel like he tans easily

- he surprisingly gets shy and flustered easily, especially when you compliment him. you find it so funny how he turns his face away and turns bright pink in the face, mumbling a, "thank you."

- when you place small kisses on the scar that runs along his face it gets him blushing

- he likes tucking your hair behind your ear because he knows it gets you flustered

- he rolls his eyes at least 100 times a day

- calls you 'babe' or 'baby'.

- shows his love for you through cooking and baking, he's always the one who cooks meals and desserts whenever you visit his house or he visits yours. if you don't know how to cook he'll teach you and you'll have those cute romance moments in the kitchen

- he's good at giving massages, he notices when you're body is feeling tense and he'll help you relax

- his hands are big and full of scratches and scars

- in his eyes, as long as he has you he doesn't need anything else. you're all he has in this world so everything revolves around you in his life

- he doesn't use his phone often, only to text/call you and his friends

- his camera role is literally just you. i'm not joking that man does not take any other photos or screenshots or wtvr. he takes a screenshot of anything that you post, and sneaks photos of you when you're with him

- oh but he does have some photos of izana when he was alive, kakucho tries not to look at them tho

- his lock screen wallpaper is a pretty photo of you that you posted on insta. it's a photo of you sitting on a picnic rug smiling at the camera with a flower tucked in your hair from kakucho.
but his homescreen is a really shitty photo of you and no matter how many times you beg him to change it he won't

- his style of clothes is classy

- his love language is words of affirmation

- if you go shopping together he'll hold all your shopping bags for you

- he isn't the clingy type of boyfriend but when he's drunk he becomes really really needy

- he probably gets hit on all the time, he's a handsome man what do you expect, but don't worry, he doesn't pay them any mind

- a dog person for suree

- sighs a lot

- definitely a morning person, he gets up at 6am every morning

im sorry this is all i could think of yall idk kakucho that well tbh ahh 💔💔

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