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hello ☝️

- naotos skin is clearer than urs, he has a skin care routine and he's dedicated to it every night

- he's very hygienic

- big germophobe

- his favourite fruit is banana

- he HATES summer

- he uses such a strong scented manly cologne (that's the only way i can describe it tbh)

- family and work are his priorities, somehow you made it up there tho

- tsundere for sure

- definitely a feet hater, he has his socks on 24/7 and will ask you to keep yours on even when you're sleeping

- he's good at picking up little hints and notice little details about you, he finds it really easy to read your expressions and can tell right away when there's a shift in your mood

- he's a detective after all

- communication is the most important rule for him in relationships, you barely have any unsolved arguments because he makes you guys talk it out

- not the type to listen to music, probably doesn't even own headphones

- he's got doctor hand writing

- he's a family man, he would want at least 1 or 2 kids with you. but not yet

- love language is def quality time, he's used to hate physical contact but with you he can tolerate

- he has a planner or a journal where he maps out and schedules everything he needs to get done in a day

- def the one to plan out dates whenever you guys go

- so embarrassed when introducing you to hina and takemichi, he knew that hina would tease him about you since he never really showed interest in getting into a relationship before

- hina is your bestfriend now btw

- his fav thing is when you come in to check on him when he's working on a case at home, he's often overworked and exhausted but when you bring him a cup of coffee and a kiss on his cheek it motivates him a lot

- his fav place to kiss you is your forehead

- not the jealous type, he knows his worth and he knows to trust you

- hand holding in public is a must but that's all you'll get, he doesn't like kissing or hugging in front of ppl

- i feel like he hates wearing shorts, even in summer he will wear pants

- pet name for u is "my love"

- not a dry texter but he types too formal as if he's writing an email

- his fav food is hot pot , fav drink is coffee

- bags under his eyes from not getting enough sleep

- he cannot cook for shit but he tries

- wakes up way earlier than you so he gives you breakfast in bed most mornings (avocado on toast w/ coffee)

- he is a great driver and only drives w one hand cuz he's hot like that

- knows how to take care of you well when you're sick

- his fav colour is either navy blue or grey

ok that's all i can think of for him hehe

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