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- his hair is so soft and smells like strawberries

- he just smells good in general, smells fresh 😈

- he's never had a pimple once in his life

- he's pan because i said so

- poses in front of the mirror but then gets embarrassed

- takemichi probably had to forcefully encourage chifuyu to confess to his s/o

- blushes and gets flustered easilyyyyy

- pouts like mikey whenever he doesn't get his way


- slaps himself if he ever has a really bad intrusive thought (i do this pls)

- he loves baking

- his pfp is a funny cat photo, maybe even matching w bajis

- lots of hugs from behind

- his fav movie genre is romance since it's already canon that he reads romance manga ah

- plays with his hair when he gets nervous

- randomly bites his s/o (softly ofc)

- clingy asf but tries to control himself

- he has plants in his room

- sends baji random cat videos at 3am

- he's clueless asf and doesn't know when someone's crushing on him no matter how obvious

- his love language is quality time !!!

- his school workbooks are neat and aesthetic w those pastel highlighters and shit ykwim

- he and takemichi would always tag along if you went shopping w hina, yall probs made them hold ur bags

- squeals whenever his s/o does something he finds cute

- gets along with his s/o's parents very well, he's like a son to them

- gets offended easily and will take negative comments to the heart

- puts his loved ones first, he cares about them more than himself tbh

- loves giving piggy backs, especially in public

- swings your arm when holding hands

- will constantly ask how you are, did you eat well, how was your day

- spams his s/o w funny tiktoks

- squeezes his s/o's cheeks a lot

- sends random memes in his camera role when having a conversation w someone

- gets jealous easily but will never show it, he keeps it to himself

- if ur ever watching a movie with him just know that he'll fall asleep within thirty mins

-  he has lip balm with him at all times

- he's very hygienic

- he owns at least 20 animal plushies

- he sends his s/o photos of the stray cats he and baji find to feed

- fav place to kiss his s/o is their cheek

- he likes horror movies but covers his ears and shuts his eyes whenever a jumpscare is about to come

- his hands.. his hands are small and skinny

- he wears an anklet

- he's almost hairless, like his arms and legs barely have any hair

- he gets cold easily

- he's rlly gullible, he'll believe anything

- will buy his s/o matching chibi cat phone cases

- cuddling position

- cuddling position

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im so lonely

anyways who's next yall???

ミ★ tokyo revengers headcanons ;; fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now