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y'all this man is so fine

- nickname for u is obviously gonna be 'princess.' don't worry, he doesn't call senju 'brahmans princess' anymore, you're his only princess

- wakasa shares his lollipops with you all the time even tho his fellow gang members think it's nasty. when i say share, i mean he shoves the lollipop in your mouth with no warning, and then takes it back and puts it back into his mouth. you're not even phased at this behaviour anymore tbh ur so used to it.

- i feel like this man yawns a lot, i mean look at him, he looks like he's about to fall asleep any second

- if he brings you to meetings, he'll be sitting on a curb with you on his lap and his head resting on your shoulder, glaring at any of the guys who dare lay their eyes on you

- he will pull you into his lap wherever u are as a matter of fact. this could be at a party, at home, at someone else's house, he'll just yank you onto his lap


- dry texter. minimal words. if he sends hearts it's gonna be the black one, '🖤'.

- he doesn't like texting, he'd prefer to call you because he wants to hear your voice.

- wakasa has a deep voice...

- he has an eye laugh, or he shuts his eyes when he laughs. it's rare to see this since he doesn't laugh often :(

- people mistake him as a girl all the timmeeeee

- which of course, you had to take advantage of this. one day you decide to do his makeup up but you had to BEG him to let you. once he sees you on your knees looking up at him with those pleading eyes of yours, he sighs. "fine." you do his eyeliner, apply fake lashes, lipgloss and blush. you then curl and style his hair and forced him to wear a tank top of yours. he hated every second of it.

- now that he looks super feminine you take photos as he sits their sucking on his lollipop and pouting silently.

- this man has heaps of piercings HSIDHSKSHDKHOSJDJAJFHOWICJWOFJWOFJSICIWJFJWKDJW. i like to think he has a lip piercing, tongue, and eyebrow piercing. he felt no pain when getting them.

- he's willing to get a tattoo of your name somewhere on his body but senju stops him from doing so because she thinks he'll regret it in the future. this causes them to argue

- wakasa does not know how to dance. he's stiff and awkward with it 💀 pls don't make him dance he'll be embarrassed

- doesn't get easily flustered, he's always the one making you flustered. only catches himself blushing hard when he goes through photos of you when he's alone.

- he knows how to flirt, he's good with his words.. and hands. he knows the right places to touch you to get your heart racing 👀

- he loves teasing and making you mad, he thinks it's funny

- his hands are slender and skinny

- allows you to paint his nails only if it's on the tips and it's black

- he's definitely a night owl, sleeps at like 2-3am every night

- expect late night calls with him. his sleepy and croaky voice always makes u act up

- if you guys get into a bad argument, he'll disappear for a bit, only to clear his mind. don't worry, he'll come back.

- ok there is two types of people that wakasa could've been in highschool. either the quite emo kid or the absolute menace. i'll leave this up to ur imagination 😭

- has a smoking addiction, he's trying his best to stop for you

- his fav places to kiss you is your hand and forehead!!

- judging from his resting bitch face his glares can KILL. his eyes are already intimidating enough imagine him glaring at you

-  speaks his mind, doesn't care about the consequences

- probably uses the same shampoo and conditioner as you. strictly shampoos his hair twice

- he wears 1 black ring on both hands

- HE HATES FEET, his own, yours, anyones. u will not catch him barefoot ever in his life unless he's taking a shower. you wave your feet in front of him to tease him and he pulls a disgusted face while trying to get away

- he smells like.. expensive dior cologne. maybe something musky and strong

- he wears contacts during the day bcs yk he be fighting and shit but when he's at home w you he wears glasses. those thin brim glasses.

- one day you decide to get helix piercings together. wakasa chooses to use the jewellery that connects from his lip piercing to his helix.

- probably wears a black mask everywhere he goes, he's not tryna get sick

- probably wears a black mask everywhere he goes, he's not tryna get sick

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^^ u and wakasa 😛

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