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ty to the one who requested this <3

tr boys as your bestfriend!


- the type of bestfriend to be annoying as hell

- clingy aaf, the type of bestfriend that can't keep his hands off you. physical touch is his love language btw

- the type of best friend to spam you with messages whenever he's bored or just feels like pissing you off

- you have matching pfps on social media if you even think about switching out he will kill you

- you may think he's generous since you're his bestfriend but no he will literally steal everything from you whether that's food, clothes, your friends, your family

- speaking of family, he's like a second son to your parents. they LOVE him. he basically lives at your house basing off how many times he comes over and sleeps over

- if you have a little sibling you can say goodbye to them because mikey will take them away from you

- he's good with kids when he wants to and so he's very good to your siblings, he plays with him, buys them things, naps with them

- your bed smells like mikey now btw because there's never a day missed where he's not sleeping in it

- the type of bestfriend to give you the silent treatment whenever he's mad or you had an argument, it's on you to sort out problems and properly communicate

- whenever you need comforting he's the type to just silently hold you and rub your back without saying anything

- mikey will literally strip naked in front of you, fart, burp and all that because he doesn't give a fuck and he's that comfortable around you

- since the invincible mikey is your bsf, everybody knows not to mess with you. mikey will fuck anyone up who messes with you

- now although mikey is very reliable and someone you can depend on, sometimes he goes MIA and you don't see him for days. he claims it's "business with the gang" but you still scold him for not responding to your msgs

- he's the type of bsf that gets jealous whenever he sees you being to close to another friend, he's a very possessive person so he's bound to feel a little protective when his one treasure is treating someone else the way you treat him

- he's the type of bsf to keep his title as your bestfriend, he doesn't see you as anything more and he never will, so sucks to you if you end up falling for him


- the type of bestfriend to be like an older brother

- he treats you like a sibling and a little bit like mikey

- def the bullying type, will tease you constantly or act annoyed at you but he'll always be there if you need him

- he's very respectful whenever coming over to your house, will greet your parents properly and have conversations with them before going to your room

- opposite to mikey he's the type to give you his food instead of taking it

- helps you with anything and is good at giving you advice, whenever your having issues with a partner or other friends you always turn to talk to him because he knows exactly what to do

- he has a special section of his photo wall dedicated to photos of you and him or you on your own

- you're the only person who he talks about emma to, obviously mikey knows about his little crush but he doesn't talk about her to him like he does to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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