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- kazutora would work at either a makeup store or a clothes store and would intimidate all the girls who shop there cuz he's so pretty

- he's shit at board games or any games at all tbh :(

- his love language is psychical touch, he's a clingy boy

- he's always rubbing your back or has his hand on your back whenever y'all are out in public

- would rather be held in your arms than him holding you in his arms


- he messes up a lot, and if something doesn't go his way he's in denial ab it

- he does ur hair everyday i feel like he'd be a good hairdresser

- he smells like.. baby powder?? ok wait he either smells like baby powder or nothing at all pls

- he's very much emotionally attached to you, he'd be even more broken than he already is if you leave him

- he takes good care of his skin, hair, body and you ofc

- i feel like he'd paint his toes nails white, or he'd let you paint them

- has over 5000 followers on insta but doesn't post

- when he confessed to you he apologised, this mf said "yeah, i like you. i'm sorry."

- he gets giggly when he's nervous

- gets flustered easily!

- he listens to joji

- he needs lots of reassurance from you, you need to constantly remind him that you love him and only him

- doesn't like sports (same lol)

- doesn't like soda

- i feel like his fav colour is yellow?? idk that's the first colour that came to mind

- his cheeks are SOFT (i wanna squeeze them so bad)

- his room walls are painted gray

- his pronouns are he/him but he doesn't mind he/they

- considering he barely attends school, he's actually pretty smart

- wears turtle necks

- he's not a dry texter , but he doesn't use emojis, he'll occasionally use ":)" tho


- always has little bits of fur stuck on his clothes from when he works at the pet shop

- i feel like he gets sick easily 😭

- he's probably very hard to open up + funds it hard to put his emotions into words

- he's prettier than you 😈‼️

- cuddling position

i have school in a couple of days :((

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i have school in a couple of days :((

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