beach day with toman

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- baji hates the beach because he hates it when sand gets in his hair, so it was very hard to convince him to come

- hakkai stays approximately 10 metres away from the girls except for yuzuha ofc

- mitsuya brings and carries all the towels, beach umbrellas (idk what they're called pls), basket of snacks, sunscreen etc

- chifuyu brings a bunch of cut out fruit!

- mikey and angry play in the sand and make sand castles like the little kids they are, and they make those little ponds and rivers that connect to the ocean ykwim

- baji, mitsuya and takemichi cannot swim 😭

- mitsuya tans next to pah who fell asleep as soon as they got there, and he puts on like 5 layers of sunscreen beforehand because he's scared of getting burnt😟

- chifuyu dips his feet in the water and complains it's too cold :( but then baji comes outta no where and splashes him

- draken would also 100% splash water on emma just to piss her off

- smiley and angry brought flamingo floaties but mikey stole one and hogged it for the whole day

- takemichi wears a rashie LMFOAOAAOAOA

- baji brought a big ass speaker and wont let anyone else use it

- they play beach volleyball for a bit but baji ended up smashing the ball into takemichis face making him have a nose bleed

- angry accidentally swallowed water when he was swimming and started choking so smiley had to do the heimlich maneuver (did i spell it right 😭)

- mikey can surf

- emma brought coconut tanning oil but the boys literally used up all of it and she stayed mad for the rest of the day

- kazutora went out far in the ocean BY HIMSELF to relax a bit but somehow his shorts came off and he couldn't find them?? obviously he wasn't going to come out of the water but nobody could hear him shouting even when he swam a little closer to the shore. so he stayed naked in the water for a good hour before someone realised he was missing (i swear there's always something up kazutora in my headcanons LMAO)

- all the girls wore sun hats and all the guys wore bucket hats #stylish

- takemichi would be eyeing hina's body the whole day and draken would slap the back of his head when he caught him staring too long

- draken is constantly reminding everyone to reapply sunscreen every couple hours

- takemichi and chifuyu are burnt by the end of the day LOLL

- smiley knows that baji hates getting sand in his hair so he purposely throws sand on his head, in result to that, smiley gets beaten up :D

- mikeys sitting on a floatie relaxing in the sea but then he suddenly falls asleep and just drifts off deeper into the ocean 😭😭

- takemichi is forced to take photos of the girls

- pah and peh did not touch the water, at all, throughout the whole day

- hakkai would collect seashells

i couldnt think of anything else help 😭


I HAVE A QUESTIONNNN, do y'all prefer the term "s/o" when i'm making hcs ab characters in a relationship or would you prefer the term "you" ??

for example:

- mikey would be extremely attached to his s/o


- mikey would be extremely attached to you

which do y'all prefer cuz i'll do whichever one <3

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