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ty to whoever requested him :))

- when hakkai has someone he likes, it's really obvious, anyone could tell he likes you. mitsuya and yuzuha always catch him staring at you, they watch as he blushes when you laugh at something he says, they see when his eyebrows frown slightly when he sees you laughing with another guy

- now, we all know how shy this man is, so you would definitely have been the one who made the first move on him

- he's a cat person.

- if you're crying, he's way of comforting you is silently holding you in his arms, rubbing your back slowly. he doesn't say much

- he FINALLY changes his mitsuya phone wallpaper to a picture of you that he took when you were hugging his waist and looking up at his face <33

- sometimes, you think that hakkai is more in love with mitsuya than you because of how much he talks about that boy

- you would need to meet yuzuha right at the beginning of the relationship, if u don't already know her

- puts you above anyone, we all know how he was willing to take the blame for taijus murder in order to protect yuzuha, same thing applies to u no matter the situation

- this mf texts like a grandma LMAOAO with the perfect gramma and punctuation, sumth like "Hello, Y/n." and also he definitely uses the '😂' emoji unironically.

- hakkai is about 6ft (squeals and twirls hair) so he has a habit of kneeling down to be at level with your height (if ur a shortie) to talk to you

- bros so tall that he has probably has neck problems from looking down so much to talk to u

- head pats from his everyday!!!

- when he hugs you from behind, he rests his chin on top of ur head

- his hands are big

- when he sees you with another guy, he can't help but feel a little insecure. he isn't the obsessive jealous type, he just watches from afar and wonders if he's good enough for you

- he covers his mouth when he laughs

- HE CANNOT KEEP EYE CONTACT FOR LONG. whenever he's talking to anyone other than yuzuha, mitsuya or you, although sometimes he can't keep it up with you, his eyes do not meet theirs for longer than what like 3 seconds. he'll look at anything but their eyes.

- i feel like his cologne choice would be a really sweet scent, only bcos he's used to smelling yuzuha's perfume so he's grown to like the smell of floral

- isn't the type to argue, with anyone, other than yuzuha cuz they're siblings what do u expect

- his fav artist has to be steve lacy

- his hair is SILKYYYY smooth

- hakkai will think it's the end of the world if you get mad at him, expect him to call mitsuya 1930119 times to ask for advice

- he LOVES horror movies, even though he almost shits himself every time watching one, he loves the thrill of it. but he mostly loves the way you cling onto him

- he loves being reliable, he likes to know that you feel safe around him, pls remind him u do

-he's probably into all the corny shit, bringing you flowers whenever you go on dates

- his love language would be words of affirmation or quality time

- bros the typa guy to love a person no matter their size or skin colour

- stalks your spotify and adds some songs from your playlist to his one to impress u 😭😭

- HE IS GOOD WITH KIDS. LIKE RLLY GOOD. and he LOVES them. he would play with them all day everyday if he could, and he definitely wants to have kids with you in the future. the thought of it makes his heart beat super fast

- whenever you guys hang out at mitsuyas place, you'd watch as hakkai plays with mitsuyas younger siblings, he looks truly happy

- if you, hakkai and yuzuha are hanging out he'd have his arm around you both and call you guys his 'favourite girls'.

- covers his mouth with the back of his hand and avoids eye contact when he gets flustered at something cute you do

- when y'all hang out in ur room and u leave to go to the bathroom or something, hakkai will sneak over to your desk a spray a little of your perfume on his wrist so he can have ur scent on him for the rest of the day

- becomes really awkward and shy whenever someone asks him about you

- becomes really awkward and shy whenever someone asks him about you

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^ u and hakkai

i've been listening to cry baby on REPEAT cuz i miss tr so much bro

anyways ty for readingggg ily 🫶🏼🫶🏼

inui is next tehehhehe

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