reacting to you coming out

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for the lgbtqia+ readers :)

coming out as whatever to the tr boys!
characters included: mikey, draken, mitsuya, chifuyu, baji, kazutora, koko, inui, hakkai.

enjoy! thx to the person who requested 💗

- looks up at you for a split second before going back to muching on his burger
- "okay." he says with his mouth full
- you watch him in shock as he continues to eat his burger and sip on his drink as if nothing happened
- "that's all?" you ask.
- "huh? what else am i supposed to say? cool, that's awesome, that's fantastic!"
- "no but i mean, so you don't think any differently of me?"
- "what? why would i? that's stupid." takes another bite of his burger.
- "oh.." relief taking over you once you realise that he doesn't care, he's still his same old self, nonchalant as ever.
- you chuckle a little realising indeed how stupid you are, why would mikey think differently of you? he's not like that, he loves you no matter what.

- "huh?" his face scrunched into a frown. "what did you say?"
- your heart sinks at his initial reaction.
- you repeat yourself, slightly stammering.
- "oh, cool. sorry, thought you said something else." he laughs slightly.
- "uh huh.." you don't say anything for a bit as you walk beside draken along the park.
- it's silent for a little and you can't read what he's thinking.
- he notices you looking a little uncomfortable and speaks up.
- "you know i'm cool with it right? sorry if my reaction gave off the wrong vibe. and thanks, for telling me."

- eyes widen a little bit in surprise before they crinkle in the corners as he smiles his warm smile.
- "oh really? that's awesome." he grins ear to ear, genuinely happy for you as he places a hand on your head. "congrats."
- you look up into his soft eyes and feel like you want to burst into tears, he's so warm! so comforting! so sweet!
- you jump into his arms, you can't help it, and he chuckles as he wraps his arm around your body.

- "you're what?" he says looking at you in obvious shock.
- you repeat yourself nervously.
- "o- oh, i see, i see. that's great! congratulations." he struggles with his words at first but flashes you a smile.
- this is the first time someones ever come out to him and he wants to make sure you don't feel uncomfortable with how he reacts.
- "thanks for telling me by the way." he reaches for your hand and gives it a little squeeze for reassurance.

- "huh? what's that?"
- you slap your forehead and sigh before explaining to him.
- he pauses his game and makes sure to pay attention to you talking
- "ohh, nah i knew what it was i just didn't know the name. that's cool, y/n. good for you."
- you can't tell if he was lying or not about knowing what it was
- he goes back to gaming and you smile while feeling relieved inside

- "um, nice." is very awkward
- gives you a stiff side hug for some reason
- he doesn't know what to do
- "i support you." he slashes you a thumbs up and a grin because he really doesn't know what to say
- like chifuyu this is the first time someones come out to him
- don't worry, he may not understand all of it, but he supports you no matter what

- "oh i know."
- "WHAT."
- "what?"
- "how did you know? are you psychic?"
- "maybe?" he raises an eyebrow.
- you're the one who's surprised in this situation when it's supposed to be him
- he obviously doesn't care, just waited for you to feel comfortable enough to tell him
- thanks you for telling him in the end

- shrugs, "that's cool."
- "really?"
- "of course. congrats, thanks for telling me."
- doesn't pay no mind and continued cleaning his bike, he has people coming out to him left and right you're just another one.
- biggest ally
- is truly grateful you had to courage to tell him

- "same."

gonna be posting drakemma headcanons next i think!! :O

did not proof read this chapter at all btw

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