Year 5 - 2

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Cassiopeia rushed straight towards her desk when she heard the news. Dementors in Surrey, she couldn't believe it. Especially since Voldemort was keeping a low profile in the world so she didn't believe that he'd attack Harry in broad daylight like that. It was William who had told her about the attack, also explaining that he'd used the Patronus Charm in front of a muggle, resulting in him being expelled from Hogwarts.

"He can't be expelled, surely? It's self-defence." Cassiopeia had replied to William.

"It was, but he's not exactly popular in the Ministry. I'm sure some would do anything to get rid of him at this time." William had replied. "I'll let you know when I find anything else, I'm sure someone will manage to get a hearing. Probably Dumbledore."

Cassiopeia was writing fast, but she hoped he'd be able to read the writing. She rushed to Liberty, thankful she'd returned earlier that same day, and sent her to Harry's address with the letter in her talons.


Harry angrily kicked his wardrobe as he watched his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin drive away. After the attack from the Dementors, his cousin had been a bit 'loopy'- he was sweating and had been sick. But then that's what is expected after their soul is nearly stolen by a dark creature. Getting the letter that he'd been expelled crushed Harry, he now couldn't go back to his home. His true home. Sitting on the bed with his head in his hands, Harry's head snapped up as he heard an owl come to his window. He immediately recognised the only owl that had visited him through the summer- Cassiopeia's. He took the letter from the owl and handed her owl treats, before opening the letter.

Dear Stag,

My father's just come and told me the news. Look about you getting expelled, don't be disheartened. There are a few things that can stop it, I mean Dumbledore won't let it happen. It was self-defence, there were Dementors for Christ's sake. You couldn't just let them kill you and the muggle you were with. But I know that the Ministry are in control of the Dementors- well they think they are, but as Dumbledore said last year, they were on Voldemort's side last year, so who knows- but anyway, this means that for you to say that there were actually Dementors there, that would mean you would be accusing the Ministry of sending them after you. I'm not saying I don't believe you, because I do. I'm just saying be careful how you phrase it with those idiots. The proper progression of the situation would be for you to have a meeting with a member of the Ministry and discuss why you did the magic. I'm sure that Dumbledore will request something of the sort. However, this year seems a little different.  Father mentioned it might end up being a hearing, so good luck for that.

On another note, I still haven't really heard much from Bookworm or Redhead. Amelia's been in the dark from them as well. It's just like they don't want to reply, which seems out of character for Bookworm. Oh well, look I know you're stuck in the muggle house right now. But I'm sure people will come for you soon, so hang tight and let me know what happens. Let me know the address of where you're going so I can reply. Who knows, you might even be taken to where Redhead or Bookworm are. Then you can get answers in person.

Stay strong, Stag.

Love, Star.

Harry folded up the letter and placed it on his bedside table, he was glad that Cassiopeia had written him, especially with the distancing of his other friends- even if their names had to be turned into nicknames. He moved himself so he was lying on his bed, glasses off, ready to try and get some sleep. But he knew that he would be greeted by a nightmare.


He awoke to the sounds of the key, the key in his door turning slowly. With each movement, the door was becoming closer to being unlocked. Harry grabbed his glasses and held his wand to the door as a bright light made the door swing open. In the doorway stood people, one reaching their wand into the room- a ball of light at the end. Harry looked to the intruders and recognised one from last year.

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