Year 5 - 3

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Cassiopeia had spent the summer knowing that she needed to make the trip to Alphard's house to get her locket back, but she'd been putting it off not wanting to go back to a place where someone died. But after taking all of her jewellery off and seeing the wedding rings without the locket, she decided she wanted to get it back. Needed to get it back. William had apparated himself and Cassiopeia to the place she asked, and then asked to go on by herself. She hadn't said the direct address, given that it was a private place, so she apparated with him a few streets away. William told her that he'd be on a bench waiting for her and watched as she walked away. Travelling to the house in question, she looked to the key in her hand. Engraved on with magic, the address that she needed to find. Cassiopeia moved herself so she was looking up at the houses in the street. But looking, she noticed that there was an 11 Grimmauld Place and a 13 Grimmauld Place, but no 12. Which was the one she needed. Cassiopeia closed her eyes and thought about her destination and then opened her eyes when she heard movement of bricks. She opened her eyes to see a house, the house she needed, appearing in between 11 and 13.


Inside 12 Grimmauld place everyone froze in their positions around the kitchen table as they felt the house move.

"Someone's here." Sirius said.

"Could it be a member of the Order?" Harry asked.

"No, we haven't called a meeting. And they would have warned us they were coming so we could unlock the door." Moody replied. "The door is enchanted and can't be unlocked with magic, only a key or someone on the inside."

"Let's be strategic and see who it is." Sirius replied, all the Order members in the room (Molly, Arthur, Remus, Tonks and Moody) nodded in agreement. Sirius waved his wand and all the lights throughout the house turned off, except the kitchen, and the kitchen door closed. Moody then hit his cane against the floor and the kitchen now had a silencing charm around it.

"Molly, the table." Remus said. Molly nodded and waved her wand and the dishes moved into the sink. Remus then waved his wand and a layer of smoke covered the wooden table. The smoke started to glow and an image appeared. The image was clear and of them in the kitchen. Remus waved his wand again and the view changed to the hallway.

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