Year 5 - 8

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The fifth-years were unfortunate to have Defence Against the Dark Arts in their first day of lessons for the year, which is why Cassiopeia groaned in annoyance as she looked at her timetable.

"What?" Amelia asked, as she had yet to look at hers. Cassiopeia reached over and pointed to the cause of her annoyance- which led to Amelia making a similar sound. "First period as well, kill me now."

"Me too." Cassiopeia replied.

"She might not be that bad." Draco said, causing the two girls to look at him.

"I don't know, Mate. She seems bad." Blaise said.

"Well, you can't just assume that you don't- like it, you have to try it." Draco said, changing tone halfway through and pointing to the syrup besides the pancakes. The group look to him in confusion, that is until they hear it.

"Hem hem." Professor Umbridge 'coughed' behind them. They all turned to face her. "Sorry to disturb your breakfast, but Ms Reid could I borrow you, please?"

"Oh, sure." Cassiopeia said.

"Perfect, this way." She replied, walking away from the table. Cassiopeia stood from her seat and started to follow the woman. She caught eyes with Golden Trio on the way and delivered them a shrug after seeing their questioning glances. Following the Professor, they ended up walking into an empty classroom.

"Is everything alright, Professor?" Cassiopeia asked, as the woman came to a stop besides one of the desks.

"Yes, I just wanted to talk to you. As you know the Ministry, we do what is in everyone's best interests. I know that you think I'm the enemy here, but I'm not. I am here on the wishes of the Ministry of Magic. I'm here to improve the school, just as the Ministry always will." The Professor spoke.

"Why are you telling me this?" Cassiopeia asked.

"I don't want you to see me in a bad light." She replied.

"And why would I?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Because of what I'm about to say." The Professor said, stepping closer to the girl. "As you know I'm close with the Minister. Even though your father is one position above me, you should know that my word is still taken seriously by Cornelius. And should you cause me any trouble, I will be contacting him straight away. Your father will become the consequence for anything that you do."

"Are you blackmailing me?" Cassiopeia asked in shock.

"More like negotiating." The Professor replied. "Tell anyone, and then you'll see how serious I am."

"My father has been in his position for years, always doing right by the Ministry and the Minister himself. What makes you think you'll be able to convince the Minister otherwise?" Cassiopeia replied.

"Mainly because of last year. Imagine how it would be if the second in command to the Minister had a daughter that believed You-Know-Who had returned. No amount of convincing would be needed. Do you understand me?" The Professor replied. When Cassiopeia didn't reply, the Professor reached and grabbed Cassiopeia's wrist. "I asked if you understood."

"Yes. I understand." Cassiopeia replied.

"Good. Not a word to anyone, Ms Reid. See you in my lesson." Professor Umbridge replied before walking out the room. Cassiopeia looked after the woman in shock. She wasn't sure if the woman actually had the power to get William fired,  but she wouldn't risk it.


Sitting in class, there was a small paper bird being flown around the room. There were those hitting it down, but it continued to fly around. That was until a spell was shot at it. The bird was set on fire and turned to ash as the remains fell onto the table of the Patil twins. Everyone looked to the bird, then the voice that came with it.

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