Year 5 - 6

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Walking to the platform was a different experience this year, there was the whole group- and this time there were three trolleys. Lyra was walking alongside her sister, happiness shining in her eyes. She was finally going to go to school, see her sister all the time, learn magic, make friends. They had all given their bags to the handler before looking back to their parents. Ara started to tear up as she said goodbye to Lyra.

"Look after your sister." Ara told Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia just sent Ara a look of 'you really thought I wouldn't?' "Yeah, I know. But tell me you will."

"Of course, I will." Cassiopeia replied. But then she squealed in shock and she felt someone lift her from behind.

"Hello, Draco." Ara greeted.

"Hello, Mrs Reid." Draco greeted, placing Cassiopeia back on the floor. The girl spun around and brought Draco in for a hug. He held her just as tight and kissed her forehead. They turned back to the family.

"You should get going." William told them. They nodded and exchanged some final hugs before making their way to the train. Lyra turned and said she wanted to explore and make friends, and Cassiopeia waved goodbye to her brave sister. Together Draco and Cassiopeia walked into a compartment where they were met with the sight of Amelia and Blaise kissing in the corner.

"Woah. Keep it PG, people." Cassiopeia joked and the pair sprung apart and turned to face the new arrivals. They smiled and brought the pair in for a hug.

"It's not as if you two aren't public with your relationship." Blaise replied.

"True, my friend. True." Draco replied. They all then sat in their couples, waiting for their other friends. It was weird for Amelia to be sitting with the group, especially with her sitting with the Golden Trio in the past years. But it was a nice weird. Her and Blaise were sitting hand in hand, as were Draco and Cassiopeia. Theodore, Crabbe and Goyle were sitting there, not minding at all. They spent the ride talking about different things, just enjoying the time. But the one conversation that never came up, was the event of last year- something Cassiopeia was happy about.

"What house do you think Lyra will get into?" Draco asked.

"Oh, um. I hadn't really thought about it. Honestly, she could fit into any of them." Cassiopeia replied.

"At least it'll be a surprise." Theodore replied with a shrug. Cassiopeia smiled.

"I guess." She replied. "We should probably get into our robes." With a nod, the group made their way to change- the girls going to the bathroom and the boys staying in the compartment. As they walked past the compartment with the Golden Trio, they asked Hermione if she wanted to come with them. She agreed and came with the pair.

Coming out of the bathroom stall, coincidently at the same time as the others, Amelia gasped loudly. Cassiopeia and Hermione looked to her.

"What?" They asked. Amelia just pointed to the pair, or more importantly the small badge on each of their robes.

"You're both prefects?" Amelia asked. Cassiopeia smiled to her friend and nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Cassiopeia replied with a smile. Amelia laughed and pulled the girls in for a hug.

"And I'm surprised. Congratulations." She replied. "We'll have to have a celebratory butterbeer in Hogsmede."

"Yeah, we will." Hermione said. Together the group walked back through the halls, as they dropped of Hermione they noticed that there was another person supporting a prefect badge in that room. And surprisingly it was Ron.

"Ron, you too?" Amelia asked. Ron looked to the girl and nodded. Cassiopeia was looking to Harry, although he wasn't showing anything on the surface, his eyes were filled with annoyance and sorrow. He wanted to be a prefect, and didn't understand why he wasn't.

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