Year 5 - 1

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Cassiopeia hadn't been the same since emerging from the maze last year, neither had her nights. She spent her nights and mornings suffering repeats of Cedric's death over and over again in her dreams, like a ritual. She wouldn't go to bed not thinking she'd be having another nightmare, it was the new normal. It shouldn't have been, but it was. But William would be there waiting for her to wake with his arms open. If it wasn't William, it'd be Ara; if it wasn't Ara it'd be Draco. They'd all become her rocks, being there for her when she was at her low.

But of course, things had completely changed outside of the house too. With Voldemort's return, there were changes in the pureblooded world. Given that most of them were followers when he was last at large, they were forced to come back into the life they thought they'd left behind. Only one exception and that was William, given the fact that he'd raised the Dark Lord's daughter for all these years, William's Death Eater duties were relaxed- but his status among the Death Eater's was not. He was still respected, greater than he had before. Not that the other Death Eater's knew the reason. Also given the fact that he was the Minister of Magic's second in command, he was needed to be present at the ministry.

The Ministry, it was being run by a man whose mind wasn't in the right place. Cornelius Fudge had continued to deny the fact that Voldemort had returned, any disappearances would be blamed on Sirius Black, any murders would be blamed on Sirius Black, any rumours of Voldemort's return would be drowned out by the publication of an article in the Daily Prophet. Whether the article be Fudge's normal phrase of 'All is Well', another one bashing Albus Dumbledore, or another one bashing Harry- now to be known as the Boy Who Lied. Or all three. The public images of Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter had been diminished. They were made out as enemies of the peace, people that were trying to create panic throughout the Wizarding World with their proclamations that Voldemort had returned. The only reason Cassiopeia hadn't been attacked was because of William. With his talk with the Minister outside of the hospital wing last year, Cornelius confided in William and asked whether his daughter believed any of the 'rubbish' that Harry and Professor Dumbledore had been coming out with. William stuck up for his daughter and said that she'd hadn't said anything to him about it. William had been able to see that his job was on the line but was more focused on making sure that Cassiopeia wasn't made an enemy in the Ministry's eyes. So, he told his boss that she didn't believe it. That she hadn't witnessed anything. Cornelius took that in his stride and told William that the Reid family were an asset to the Ministry, he praised William for having to be in the room with the liars. William just took it all in and ignored the fact that he knew Voldemort had returned. The Dark Mark burning on his skin had been a sign enough. But his daughter coming back to Hogwarts accompanied by a student's dead body and preaches about the Dark Lord returning, just confirmed what he already knew to be true. What he feared to be true. Voldemort's return would become the dawning of a new era, an era he didn't want to come so soon. He wanted Cassiopeia to have been older so she may not have to have face all of what was to come so early on in her life.

Protecting Cassiopeia from Voldemort had been easy for William so far, with the Dark Lord staying at Malfoy Manor. William had told the Dark Lord that Cassiopeia would visit when she was recovered from the injuries that she had sustained last year, which she seemed to not recover from, mentally at least- the nightmares being proof enough. Voldemort had allowed this and left her alone. But William knew that it wouldn't be forever, and Cassiopeia would have to face him some time. Whether it be the following day, week, month or year- he knew it was coming and so did Cassiopeia.

Cassiopeia's friends had been there for her, well some of them had. Despite Hermione's pleas for Cassiopeia to write her at the end of last year, Hermione's responses had been half-hearted and vague. So had Ron's. And that's when they actually replied. The only people who had been properly responding were Draco, Amelia and surprisingly Harry. According to him, he hadn't been in contact with Hermione or Ron at all. So, he was happy to respond to someone if it meant getting a response in return. They hadn't spoken about Cedric, as subconsciously that was something that they felt it would be better to speak about in person. Although, she hadn't really spoke to anyone about Cedric or Voldemort returning. Cassiopeia hoped she could put it to the back of her mind and forget it happened, but of course that wasn't the case. But she had hope that she could.


"Cass? You coming?" A voice said from the doorway. Cassiopeia looked up to see Draco standing there. She nodded at him and stood up from her desk chair. She gave the letter for Amelia to Liberty before walking over to her boyfriend.

"I'm ready." She told him. He smiled to her and brought her in for a hug. They'd been spending a lot of time together these holidays, I mean who could blame them? The war was on the horizon. And then there was the fact that Draco didn't want to be in the same house as Voldemort. So, he often slept at the Reid Manor. The pair were getting away for the day, they were only going to the local park, but it was better than sitting around the Manor. They walked to the park together and swung on the swings together, they were swinging gently, their hands linked in the middle. Draco looked over to Cassiopeia, her eyes had gained bags underneath- just like in second year- he was worried for her.

"Cass, did you want to talk about it?" He asked her. She looked to him.

"Somewhere else." She told him, wanting to be in his arms as she spoke what she'd feared to speak. Together they stood from the swings and walked to the other end of the park where a basket swing hung. It was perfect for them both to lay in and hold each other. Cassiopeia smiled to Draco as he planted a kiss on her forehead and she used her elemental powers to push the swing gently back and forth in the air. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Everything, I guess. I mean it's all going to change from here out. Well, it's already started." Draco replied.

"Father's been talking to me, he's going to try and keep me away from that world as long as he can. But I mean, the Reid's are Death Eaters and father's a high ranking one. There's only so long he can keep me away." Cassiopeia replied.

"Yeah. I think my father wants me to join as soon as I can. We haven't really spoken about it, but he's already talking like he's been given a mission already." Draco replied.

"A mission?" Cassiopeia asked. Draco nodded.

"I'm not sure what it is, but he just seems to be planning and there's been quite a few meetings with him and the Dark Lord." Draco replied. Cassiopeia nodded.

"Let's say that we're forced to enter that world. Will you be with me, through it all?" Cassiopeia asked her boyfriend.

"Of course I will. Will you for me?" Draco asked.

"Forever and always." Cassiopeia replied. Draco looked to her with a smile.

"Forever and always." Draco repeated, bringing Cassiopeia closer into his arms.


And here's the beginning of Cassiopeia's fifth year!

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