Year 5 - 19

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A tiled wall mirrored all. Reflections of other tiles. Reflections of doors. Reflections of what should be reflected. But among the reflections was another, a different shape. Along with a sound. The shape of a reptile that's gliding across the floor. The sound of a snake, hissing as it made its way through the hall. Cassiopeia's view was above the scene. Above the snake, watching and waiting. Utterly helpless as it made its way through a doorway.

"Voldemort may be after some things... Two things he didn't have last time..." Sirius' voice echoed.

The reflecting hallway changed to be a room, it was filled with shelves. But the shelves reached high and stretched wide. They weren't empty either, each shelf was filled with balls. Small crystal balls that were filled with a white smoke. But there wasn't only shelves and balls, there was a person. A single person in the whole of the stretch. His wand held in the air, a single light producing from the end of the wand- glistening the space around him.

"Evangeline..." Voldemort's voice echoed.

While he spoke, his hand appeared in the dream- reaching for something. Then the view changed to show the sun, and then flicked to show a crystal ball. Cassiopeia's sight returned to looking down on the person, but unrecognisable. That is until he turns, the wand-light illuminating his face. Arthur Weasley. Cassiopeia watched in heart ache as the snake that had entered the room undetected launched itself at the man. Cassiopeia watched as the snake lunged and lunged over and over, each time striking the man with its open mouth. Each time Mr Weasley was getting more and more critical. The blows were becoming more and more fatal. Cassiopeia was feeling more and more helpless.

~End of dream~

"Cass! CASS!" A voice shouted, and Cassiopeia's eyes snapped open. Her scar on her arm was searing in pain and her body was covered in an icy sweat. Her lungs were desperately craving oxygen, as if it had been deprived.

"Cass!" A voice shouted again. Cassiopeia looked to see it was Amelia and Draco, they were standing over her. There were other figures at the other end of the sofa, but Cassiopeia was too out of it to figure out who they were. Cassiopeia was holding her arm in pain, and then moved her attention to her pounding head. She leaned over and groaned, as if she was going to vomit. But nothing came.

"She's really ill. Should we call someone?" A voice said.

"Cass? Cass?" Draco's voice sounded. Cassiopeia needed to tell them, tell Professor Dumbledore, get someone to go and save Mr Weasley. Cassiopeia pushed herself up, even though the action made her extremely dizzy and almost made her pass out.

"Weasley..." Cassiopeia managed to get out before breathing in a lot of air, gasping for some sort of oxygen.

"What?" Amelia asked.

"Weasley... attack... I need Dumbledore..." Cassiopeia managed to get out.

"What?" Draco asked.

"Mr Weasley, there was an attack!" Cassiopeia almost yelled at them, as she was gaining her senses. She then went to move off the sofa, but the action caused her eyes to start to roll back and her vision to blur. She felt some arms catch her as she almost fell back.

"Cass, you've just been dreaming. You're okay." Amelia told the girl.

"No." Cassiopeia said, moving to get up again, this time hands held her down. "It wasn't a dream. It happened, it's really happened."

"Cass, you've just been-" Blaise started, but Cassiopeia just him off.

"No, please! It wasn't a dream. Please, believe me." She replied, looking to her friends. She didn't care about the other people in the room. The only people that mattered in that moment was her friends.

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