Year 5 - 5

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"I've tried to delay it as long as I can. But I'm afraid the time has come, Cass." William said to his daughter that looked to him with horror on her face.

"But, after last year, what if..." She started, but she trailed off as she wondered what could happen when she met Voldemort for the first time since his return. She knew it was going to happen soon considering she was off to Hogwarts in three days.

"I don't know. But we can't put this off any longer. Just shower and get changed into something pure-blooded. He said it wouldn't be a long meeting and that he'd be talking to you properly when you returned for Christmas. Honestly, I wouldn't worry. And I'll be there either in the room or right outside." He replies. She nodded and started to get ready straight away while William told Voldemort that they would be arriving once Cassiopeia was dressed.


Together they walked to the door of Malfoy Manor. William reached over and placed a hand on her lower back in support. Opening the door was Lucius.

"Lucius." William greeted.

"William." The blonde man nodded in response. "He is waiting for you both in the study, I can have Masie take you to it. Good luck, Ms Reid."

"Thank you, Mr Malfoy." She replied, but she was studying the man she had considered she might call father-in-law one day. He had bags under his eyes and he seemed lifeless. At this she remembered that Draco said that he might have been given a mission already, thus explaining the sleepless nights he would have for preparation purposes. The two Reids made it into the house together, where they were met with a house-elf they assumed was Masie.

"This way, Mister and Miss Reid." The house-elf said to the pair before walking through the entrance hall and up the stairs. The pair following along. Together they climbed the stairs to the tallest floor of the manner. It was clearly isolated, and not many rooms were present. But that would be perfect for Voldemort, privacy. "Right in here." She told them before apparating away. William turned to Cassiopeia, the girl looking back to him. The pair delivered each other a silent nod, whether this be of reassurance or confidence was unclear. William reached forwards and knocked on the door.

"Enter." Voldemort's voice spoke from inside. As an automatic response, Cassiopeia made sure that her walls in her mind were up- even though they were anyway. William pushed the door open and walked in, Cassiopeia following behind. "Ah, William. So glad you could come promptly. And thank you for bringing Evangeline in to see me."

"Um, Sir. I go by Cassiopeia now." Cassiopeia said hesitantly. He just hummed in acknowledgement.

"So, William. Could you please wait outside while I meet my daughter properly?" Voldemort asked. William nodded and looked to Cassiopeia.

"I'm just outside." He told her. She nodded and watched as he left the room.

"This won't take long, Evangeline. I just wanted to make sure you knew who I was, we'll have a proper meeting at Christmas. I understand you're going to Hogwarts soon?" He said, gesturing for her to sit in the chair on the other side of the desk.

"Yes, three days." She replied, holding in annoyance about him calling her the wrong name again.

"Right. Well, I feel we need to lay down some ground rules." He said, his face showing he was finally getting to the point of this meeting. "After seeing yourself and Potter last year, I can see that you're friends. Even though he's my enemy, my biggest rival. Did you know that when you first became his friend? Because if you did-"

"No, I didn't." Cassiopeia replied, cutting him off. "We met on the Hogwarts Express, I found out about you that evening after reading the letter."

"And you remained friends with him?" He asked.

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