Year 5 - 18

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"You're joining the Inquisitorial Squad?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Yeah." The five voices came in response.

"Why?" Amelia asked.

"Because it's a good thing. Professor Umbridge is making the school better." Crabbe said.

"Besides, if it's a chance to get Gryffindors into trouble, why not?" Goyle added.

"Because you're working for a pink raspberry who doesn't care about the students of this school." Cassiopeia replied as if it was obvious. They were talking about a new group that Umbridge had created. The 'Inquisitorial Squad'. It was another way of her getting spies everywhere. Disguising it as an extra credit option, it allowed her to use the students to get the other students that were doing wrong.

"You two should really join." Draco added.

"I think I'll pass. Amelia?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Me too." Amelia replied.

"Come on, it's something to do." Theodore said.

"Well, I think I'll pass my time revising for my OWLs. But thanks for the idea." Amelia said.

"Besides, I doubt Umbridge will want me on her squad anyway." Cassiopeia said.

"We should go revise. See you boys later. Enjoy being in the squad." Amelia said before dragging Cassiopeia away. Together they went to find the Golden Trio, and they did.

"Did you hear about the Inquisitorial Squad?" Amelia asked them. They all nodded.

"Well, our friends have joined it. So, be careful around them." Cassiopeia said.

"Great, Malfoy with the power of a prefect and one of these squad members." Ron said sarcastically.

"Yeah, he'll probably let it go to his head." Cassiopeia said with a nod.

"I don't get why you're with him." Harry said.

"Love's love. You can't pick who it is." Cassiopeia replied.

"That's sweet." Hermione said. Cassiopeia just smiled to her.

"Is it?" Ron asked. Hermione reached over and hit his arm.

"Ignore him." Hermione said. Cassiopeia and Amelia laughed.

"Come on, last meeting before the holidays." Amelia said, dragging Harry off the floor.

"Let's go." Cassiopeia said, dragging Hermione and Ron along.


Everyone was in a circle, and the dummy was being thrown between everyone. Everyone was taking turns sending spells at it as it came their way. Everyone then watched impressed as Ginny sent the 'reducto' curse towards the dummy, making it disintegrate into ash. Everyone looked to her impressed- she was standing there with a smile. But standing beside her were her brothers, who now looked embarrassed as their sister had done better than them. Cassiopeia laughed and congratulated Ginny. She then reversed the curse and got the dummy to go around again. This continued for a while until people broke off and started to work in pairs. They were practising whatever spell they felt they needed. Harry was walking around, helping all while Cassiopeia was trying to help Neville with his expelliarmus charm.

"Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more: believing in yourself. Think of it this way. Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now: students. And if they can do it, why not us?" He spoke. Cassiopeia looked over to him and delivered a nod before looking back to Neville.

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