Year 5 - 13

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High Inquisitor.

Professor Umbridge was now the High Inquisitor.

In simpler terms, it now meant she had more power to do as she pleases. To ruin Hogwarts as she sees fit. To ruin everything.

The first step in her agender was to inspect the teachers, watch their lessons and deem whether they were fit to be a teacher at the school anymore. Cassiopeia was always expecting Professor Umbridge to suddenly turn up in her lessons, but she hadn't for her first day of being High Inquisitor. Cassiopeia heard that Professor Umbridge was inspecting Divination, so she could sit through Arithmancy without worrying about it.

Transfiguration was the first lesson that was being watched with Cassiopeia. She had entered the classroom to see Professor Umbridge waiting for everyone to arrive. Cassiopeia sat in her seat besides Draco and smirked. She knew that Professor McGonagall wouldn't put up with Umbridge, and she couldn't wait to see how it would go. Cassiopeia looked over to see the Golden Trio ready too. Professor McGonagall walked in, the show was about to begin.

"That will do." She spoke, and everyone went silent. "Mr Finnigan, kindly come here and hand back the homework. Ms Reid, please take this box of mice and hand one to each student." With that Cassiopeia stood up and did as she was told.

"Hem hem." Professor Umbridge 'coughed' trying to get the Head of Gryffindor's attention. After handing out all the mice, Cassiopeia returned to her seat to find her marked work on the desk. She turned it over, pleased to see an 'O'. She looked over to see that Draco had also gotten an 'O'.

"Well done." She whispered.

"You too." He spoke. "It's all that late-night study sessions."

"The ones that normally end in a make-out session?" She whispered back.

"You bet." He replied, she smiled to him. Her and Draco had been spending nights helping each other with revision, she would come back from her detention and they would sit in their common room together.

"Right then, everyone, listen closely. Most of you have now successfully vanished your snails and even those who are left with a certain amount of shell have got the gist of this. Today, we shall be-" Professor McGonagall spoke, before the 'cough' sounded again.

"Hem hem." Professor Umbridge sounded.

"Yes?" Professor McGonagall asked, turning to face the woman. Her eyebrows were close together and her mouth thin.

"I was just wondering, Professor, if you received my note telling you of the date and time of your inspect-" Professor Umbridge spoke, before getting cut off.

"Obviously I received it, or I would have asked you what you are doing in my classroom. As I was saying: today, we shall be practising that altogether more difficult Vanishing spell of mice. Now, the Vanishing spell-" Professor McGonagall continued.

"Hem hem." Professor Umbridge interrupted.

"I wonder, how you expect to gain an idea of my usual teaching methods if you continue to interrupt me? You see, I do not generally permit people to talk when I am talking." The Professor replied back in a calm tone. Professor Umbridge looked as though she'd be slapped. She did not speak again, she just turned to her clipboard and started to write furiously.

The rest of the lesson followed with Professor Umbridge remaining in the corner of the room- just writing on her clipboard.


The next teacher to be examined was Professor Snape. Cassiopeia hated that she had to watch the Professor question her godfather. The questions were rude, one conversation went:

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