Year 5 - 20

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"This is it. Do you think you're ready?" Draco asked from behind Cassiopeia as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Nope. But that doesn't matter. This is happening now and can't be delayed." Cassiopeia replied leaning into Draco's chest.

"You'll be alright. I'll be right here waiting for you." Draco replied. She nodded. She took a breath and kissed Draco goodbye. She walked out Draco's bedroom and started to make her way to the Dining room. This was the time that she'd been waiting for all of her first term at Hogwarts. Or more like the time she'd been fearing all of that time. She walked slowly, but with purpose. Her purpose was to clear her mind and prepare herself. Her parent's, nor anyone else, had been informed about what Cassiopeia truly dreamed about or what that mirrored in the real world. Draco and Amelia had kept the secret and didn't plan on telling anyone anytime soon. Arriving at the door, she knocked slowly- announcing her arrival. She waited only moments until someone answered from inside.

"Enter." Voldemort's voice sounded from inside. Taking one last breath, Cassiopeia pushed the door open. She was met with the sight of Voldemort sitting at the head of the dining room table. He looked to her. "Ah, Evangeline. Sit." He said gesturing to the space next to him. She nodded and travelled to the chair he had gestured to. Sitting, she looked to him and just waited for him to yell at her.

"I've been speaking with the Malfoys about you." He told her.

"Right..." Cassiopeia said, not knowing where this conversation was going.

"They tell me you're seeing their son, Draco." He added. Cassiopeia just nodded. "How's that going? Are you happy in the relationship?"

"Where's this going?" Cassiopeia asked.

"This is coming to something that dates back many centuries. Arranged marriages." He replied.

"So, let me get this straight. I've come back from a term at Hogwarts- waiting for some big speech about how I still disappoint you and I should be more loyal to you rather than my believes. And here we are talking about arranged marriages?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Yes. So, arrange marriage. Would you be comfortable with the arranged marriage being arranged between yourself and Mr Malfoy?" Voldemort replied, having slight amusement about the shocked look on Cassiopeia's face, not that he'd show it or have the feeling for more than a mere second.

"I mean, yeah. We're a couple, we love each other. Are we seriously going to talk about nothing else?" Cassiopeia replied.

"Unless there's something else you feel needs more discussion?" Voldemort replied. "But considering you are 16 in less than a month, I feel now would be the time."

"But Draco's not 16 until June. Surely we'd have to wait till then anyway?" Cassiopeia replied.

"But having it arranged will stop any other pureblooded families attempting to take your hand in marriage for their sons." Voldemort replied.

"I doubt there'd be much interest." Cassiopeia replied, "And if there was. I would decline. I love Draco and want to be with him. Anyone else can sod off."

"Right, so that's arranged." Voldemort replied. Cassiopeia just looked to him in disbelief. "Anyway. Another matter, I have spoken with William and Ara over these past months. They tell me that you'd prefer to stay at their Manor. There was the alternative of staying here with myself and the Malfoys."

"No, I would prefer to be there please. I'd prefer to be home." Cassiopeia replied. Voldemort nodded.

"But when I request your presence, you are to come without delay, understand?" Voldemort asked. Cassiopeia nodded. "Alright. That was all, you may go."

"Okay." Cassiopeia replied.

"Oh, and Evangeline. I would appreciate if you would address my questions as 'Yes, My Lord' Or 'No, My Lord'. Only out of respect, you understand?" Voldemort replied.

"Yes." Cassiopeia replied. Then after seeing his face, she added as an afterthought. "My Lord."

"Lovely." He replied. Cassiopeia stood from her chair and walked to the door. "Oh, one final thing." Cassiopeia froze at the door and turned back to face him.

"Yes, My Lord?" She asked. She watched as he didn't reply and stood from his chair. Stalking towards her, he gestured for her to close the door. She did so. Once he got to her, he grabbed her plaited hair and pushed her into the door. He pushed his wand into her neck.

"You're blocking me out of your mind. As if there's something there you don't want me to see. What would that be, I wonder." Voldemort spoke.

"My life. Any time I spend with my boyfriend. Unless you want the steamy details." Cassiopeia challenged back.

"Don't mock me." He spoke, pushing his wand into her neck.

"Just being honest." She replied.

"I guess here is where we'll have the talk about your allegiance." He replied.

"So, it would seem." Cassiopeia replied.

"But we wouldn't want anyone over hearing, would we?" He replied. Cassiopeia just looked to him, but before she could reply she felt the world swirling around her as Voldemort apparated with her. Coming back to attention, she felt herself be thrown to the floor before she could register that they'd even stopped traveling. Looking down to the concrete floor below her, Cassiopeia felt Voldemort grip her hair- which he'd made come out of the plaits so he could grip it better. She looked up to him. "What were your decided loyalties?"

"I'm loyal to those who I care about. That's never going to change no matter what you do to me." Cassiopeia replied.

"Hmm." He hummed in acknowledgement of what she'd said. "William told me of the persuasion methods which he'd previously used on you. Personally, I don't believe threatening innocents was used enough. Or perhaps we could try starving? Drowning? Take your pick."

"I've told you, and I'll tell you again. Nothing you do to me will make me change my mind. I'm loyal to those I care about, one day that might include you. But you won't get that through force." Cassiopeia replied.

"Fine. Not force, neglect. Did you know that the average person can go 30 to 40 days without food, before they start to die?" Voldemort replied. He then looked straight into Cassiopeia's eyes. "I'll come talk to you in a week."

"Wait, what? No." Cassiopeia said, but he'd already slammed the door of the dungeon closed. Cassiopeia was left in complete darkness. She looked in the direction of where the door was, completely shocked. She knew he was attempting to get her to change her mind. But all he needed to do was actually give a care in the world for her and she'd start to give him a chance, that doesn't to seem to register in his mind. A week. She was having to be here for a week. No one here with her, no one bringing her food it would seem. At least William would cast a spell on her so she didn't need food, so she wouldn't feel the effects of hunger. But this would be the point here. Voldemort wanted her to feel the hunger and suffer because of it. She knew it was wrong, but she wouldn't back down from her beliefs. There were three weeks left before the end of the holidays, two before Christmas. She hoped she'd be let out after one.


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