Year 5 - 11

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Weeks passed, and every week night she was forced to carve the skin off the back of her hand. For some reason, Professor Umbridge had been nice enough to say that they didn't have to come in on any weekend, but it didn't help that five days of the week it was happening. She'd spoken to Professor Snape, getting some Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons from him, but never once did she mention what Professor Umbridge was doing. Her and Harry kept it to themselves, just as they said they would from day one.

It was a Saturday, Amelia and Cassiopeia had joined the Golden Trio in the Gryffindor common room. They were sitting on the sofa. Harry was reading, Ron was persuading Hermione to do his work, Amelia was doing a potions essay on the floor and Cassiopeia was talking to the Weasley twins, who were testing their products. She was intrigued by their minds. But it was this moment that Hermione noticed, given the fact that Harry didn't have his cloak on (which he would use to hide his hand normally). She looked at what book he was reading, but in turn saw his hand.

"What's wrong with your hand?" She asked him. Harry looked to her and lifted his right hand.

"Nothing." He spoke, but she rolled her eyes and grabbed his other hand delicately.

"No, your other hand." She spoke as she grabbed it. She held it in her lap gently, looking at the marks. Considering the detention was yesterday, the scar had healed over a little. It still was red, but it wasn't bleeding. "You've got to tell Dumbledore."

"No." Harry spoke straight away. "Dumbledore's got enough on his mind right now. Besides, we decided we don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction."

"Bloody hell, Harry. The woman's torturing you. If your parents knew about this-" Ron started, but Harry cut him off.

"Well, I haven't got any of those, have I, Ron?" Harry argued back.

"Wait, you said 'we'." Hermione pointed out. "You said 'we don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction.'" At this they looked to Cassiopeia- who was completely unaware.

"Cass!" Amelia called. Cassiopeia said goodbye to the twins and made her way over.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Show me your hands." Amelia ordered, holding out her own. Cassiopeia handed her hands over to Amelia, showing no mark of any scar or anything. "Now remove the cloaking spell." Cassiopeia sighed and did as Amelia asked, revealing the mark.

"Bloody hell." Ron breathed out, leaning forwards to look at the writing. They looked at the scars that were more prominent than Harry's. "I must respect the Ministry and my superiors. I am inferior." He read.

"Thanks, Ron. I didn't really need a reminder of what it said." Cassiopeia replied.

"Oh, Cass." Amelia said, looking to her friend. Cassiopeia just shook her head and put the cloaking spell back on her hand. Cassiopeia then started to gather her things.

"You've got to report this, it's perfectly simple, you're being-" Hermione started, but Harry cut her off.

"No, it's not. Hermione whatever this is, it's not simple." He replied.

"You don't understand." Cassiopeia added.

"Then help us too." Hermione said. But Harry and Cassiopeia just grabbed their things and walked away, Harry to his dorm and Cassiopeia to the Slytherin common room. After watching their friends leave, Amelia turned to the pair.

"I don't know much, she's being very private. But I think Umbridge is threatening Cass." Amelia told them.

"With what?" Ron asked.

"I believe she's threatening to get Mr Reid fired if Cass does anything." Amelia replied.

"Why wouldn't she just tell us that?" Hermione asked.

"The more people that know, the more of a risk that it'll get back to Umbridge. If she knew that Cass had spoken about it, she might carry out her threat." Amelia replied with a shrug.

"Does she even have the power to do so?" Hermione asked.

"We're not sure. But Cass doesn't want to risk it. But there's something else she's afraid of too, but I can't figure out what." Amelia replied.


At 12 Grimmald Place, Sirius Black looked at the pair of owls that were currently flying towards the window. Both holding a single letter in their beak. Letting them both in, he recognised the writing of Cassiopeia and Harry right away. He opened each letter, starting with Harry's.

"Dear Padfoot,

I hope you're alright.

It's starting to get colder here. Winter is definitely on the way.

In spite of being back at Hogwarts, I feel more alone than ever.

I know you, of all people, will understand.

From Harry"

Then he reached over and opened Cassiopeia's:

"Dear Padfoot,

I know that nicknames aren't needed, but in case this falls into the wrong hands, I'll use them anyway.

There's a teacher here, and to say she's horrid would be an understatement.

I'm worried about Stag. Watching him deal with the detentions is hard, even though I've got them too. I'd prefer to take them all from him, but the woman is insistent.

She works for the Ministry and she's made an enemy of us two. Or more like, she hates us both with a passion.

She's using methods of discipline that aren't correct, not even close to being correct.

Imagine a quill that you don't need ink, being a pure blood- I'm sure you'll understand.

He's pushing away Ron and Hermione, so if he writes to you, please reply and tell him to stay with his friends.

See you whenever.

Your Goddaughter"

He looked at the letter in anger, blood quills were barbaric and shouldn't be used- especially in a school. He grabbed his quill and some parchment and set about reply to the pair in an instant.


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