Year 5 - 15

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"Cass, Amelia!" Harry called, rushing up to the pair. The pair of girls turn, the two Slytherin boys with them doing the same. Draco and Blaise looked to Harry.

"What, Potter?" Draco asked, keeping an arm around Cassiopeia's waist.

"Malfoy, can I borrow her for five seconds?" Harry asked, shocking the blonde boy.

"I'm counting." Draco said, before watching Harry pull Cassiopeia away. Harry leant in and whispered into Cassiopeia's ear.

"We've found a place for the meetings. It's called the Room of Requirement, it's-" Harry whispered.

"Just tell me when and Amelia and I will be there." Cassiopeia replied.

"You know where it is?" Harry asked. Cassiopeia nodded. "Great, okay."

"But there's something. Draco knows too, so for us to enter the room there needs to be a special phrase we say." She replied.

"'Dumbledore's Army?'"  He suggested.

"Okay." She replied. He then pulled away and walked off. Draco came back and continued on their way.

"What was that about?" Draco asked.

"Detention." Cassiopeia replied.

"And he couldn't say it in front of us?" Blaise asked.

"Nope." Cassiopeia replied with a smile.


In the common room, Cassiopeia sat on the couch with Draco. Draco was holding the girl in his arms, just relaxing and looking into the fire.

"Do you think Christmas will be okay?" Cassiopeia asked her boyfriend.

"I mean, I don't want to go back to the house knowing he's there. But what choice to I have?" Draco replied.

"You could come and stay with me?" She suggested.

"I already spend all the time I can there, so don't worry. You'll probably be seeing me every day." He replied, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"He's making me meet him during the holidays. Asking me where my loyalties lie." Cassiopeia replied.

"And where do they lie?" He asked. She looked up to him.

"With my family and my friends. People on both sides of the war fall into the categories, so I guess my loyalties lie with my heart." She replied.

"And my heart leads to you." He says, pulling her closer.

"And mine to you." She replies before they start having a make-out session.


"Expelliarmus" Neville tried, but the dummy kept hold of its wand. The result of the spell was Neville's wand going flying backwards through the air. Everyone in the line behind him, meaning everyone at the meeting, ducked as it went flying by their heads. Neville looked at it in defeat. "I'm hopeless."

"You're just flourishing your wand too much. try it like this. Expelliarmus." Harry said before casting the spell, the wand of the dummy was expelled from its hand.

"You'll be able to do it, Neville." Cassiopeia said to the boy as he moved to grab his wand back. "I can help you out, if you wanted."

"I'd like that." He replied. She smiled and moved away from the rest of the group. She asked the room for another dummy and stood with Neville.

"As Harry said, it's not about how big the movements are, it's about how precise they are." She told him. "I'll draw the movement so you can see. She then made her wand draw what she was saying. You bring it down, then twirl in a spiral." She instructed, and there in front of them was the movement drawn out in blue writing in the air. She then flipped it so it would be right-handed for him and gestured to it. "Trace it." He does as she said and traced it. "You just need to remember the movements. I wouldn't say try now, because if you fail twice- not that I think you will- but if you do, you'll lose hope. And I don't want that. Okay?"

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