Year 5 - 22

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"Close your eyes." Cassiopeia whispered to Draco as she heard footsteps coming on the other side of the door. The pair had been in there for three days and were hungry. They were staying strong and sitting with each other. They had been getting a lack of sleep from the lack of food, but they were keeping each other company. Despite circumstances, they hadn't argued at all. Instead, they filled their times with stories and silence. They were making do with what they could. Draco closed his eyes, as did Cassiopeia. They were about to get their daily water supply. However, as it was going to be pushed through an opening in the door that could only be opened from the outside, the light was going to shine in. And it would hurt their eyes if they left their eyes open and then their eyes would have to adjust to the darkness again. That's why they closed their eyes when the supply came.

They heard the slot open and then a tray get pushed in, but they didn't open their eyes until they heard the flap close again. Once they did, Cassiopeia reached out and grabbed the water bottle. They were given one a day. They made it work, it was the lack of food they couldn't bear. Luckily there was a small bathroom to the side.

"Have you ever thought about having kids?" Draco asked out of the blue while Cassiopeia was drinking her drink, causing her to cough and choke on the water in shock. He smiled at her in amusement, even though she couldn't see it. He patted her back with a chuckle as Cassiopeia caught her breath.

"Why did you suddenly ask that?" Cassiopeia asked once she was breathing normally.

"Well, we're already getting married. The next thought would be kids." Draco replied.

"Oh, I guess I haven't really thought that much into it." Cassiopeia replied.

"I have." Draco commented.

"Yeah?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Yeah. I've always imagined having three. Two boys and a little girl. The eldest son would look like me but have your hair. He'd grow up to protect his siblings, and I'd let him be whoever he wanted to be. He could be a Gryffindor, and I wouldn't mind. I imagine him enjoying flying, a seeker position- like his dad. He would be great at it, never fail to win his house a match." Draco rambled, imagining the small boy in his head. "Then there'd be our second child, a small girl. She'd be the splitting image of you; eyes, freckles and all. She'd have your kind personality and smile. But she'd have a mischievous side to her. Her and her older brother would play Quidditch together in the backyard, just having fun. Whether she'd end up falling in love or getting heartbroken her family will be there for her. Her older brother would scare away the boys, or girls, and be there for her if anything came crashing down. They would be a duo, that is until our second son comes along. He'd be the youngest of the pack, but the sweetest. He'll be a mixture of the two of us. My hair, your eyes, my nose and your smile. He'll look up to his older siblings and join in on the fun as he grew. Together they'd all be at Hogwarts, be there for each other. Whether they're in different houses or the same. Then when they're older and they've moved on with their loved ones, or into the world on their own. I will be sitting in my home, a little cottage, with my wife as we spend our time together. Still loving each other just as much as we do now, if not more. Our kids will come to visit and be there for us. They'll bring their children over to visit, and we'll show them the love that we showed our own kids. Then when the time comes that we'll die. We'll live together in Heaven together, waiting to be reunited." Draco finally finished his dream. He sighed in happiness as he thought about it. Cassiopeia felt the warmth swell in her heart as she thought about it. She was perfectly happy imagining it the way Draco did, as long as everyone was happy and healthy. Cassiopeia snuggled further into Draco's chest thinking about the prospect, drifting off into a sleep. But before she could fall asleep, she heard Draco speak once again. "I would be the father my father never was. I'll give them the freedom to be themselves. To do what they want. Like who they want. I'll show them I love them whenever I can. Let them know they're not alone in the world. That they always have their parents to fall back on. I won't let them live in fear."

"You'll be a great husband and an even greater dad." Cassiopeia replied softly to him.

"How can I be a good dad if I haven't had a good dad myself?" Draco asked.

"You can be yourself. That will be more than enough. And then you can remember that you won't be alone. Ever. Because I'll be there with you, forever and always." Cassiopeia replied.

"Forever and always. Get some sleep." Draco replied, kissing her head. She nodded into his chest and then slowly, but surely, fell into a well-needed sleep. Draco heard her breathing deepen and held her closer, stroking her hair. He then went back to his images of his children and his future. He only hoped that the Dark Lord would be defeated, and he could keep his fantasy. Keep the love and hope in his life. But unfortunately, his future couldn't be predicted with the current war going on. But the only thing he was certain about was the girl in his arms. The girl he couldn't wait to live the rest of his life with.


Short chapter sorry

Thanks for reading


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