Year 5 - 21

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When Cassiopeia hadn't returned to Draco's room within two hours, he knew something was wrong. He felt something was wrong within half an hour, but as the time went on the worry grew more and more. Walking out of his room, he went in search for his mother, who he found in the sitting room.

"Mother?" Draco called. Narcissa looked up from the book in her lap to see her son standing in the doorway. She gestured that he entered the room, and he did, coming besides her. She patted the space next to her and he sat beside her. 

"What is it? What's troubling you?" Narcissa Malfoy asked, placing a hand on her son's cheek.

"It's Cass. She hasn't come back from speaking to the Dark Lord." Draco replied.

"When did she go?" She asked.

"Two hours ago." Draco replied. Narcissa's face formed a frown and she nodded.

"I'll go and see what I can find out. In the meantime, you need to go and speak with your father." Narcissa replied. Draco nodded and together the pair walked from the sitting room. One going to Lucius' study, the other to the dining hall.

As Draco reached his father's study, he knocked on the door. A simple two words were called, and Draco obeyed his father's wishes and opened the door. As he entered, he closed the door behind him and was met with the sight of his father writing furiously at his desk- a glass of whiskey in his left hand. Lucius looked up for a moment before looking back down.

"Draco, what can I do for you?" He asked.

"Mother said you wanted to see me." Draco replied. At this Lucius nodded and finished the sentence he was writing.

"Ah, yes." Lucius replied once he'd placed down his quill. "Your mother and I have had a talk with the Dark Lord. It's regarding yourself and Ms Reid." Lucius started, taking a swig of his whiskey.

"Why were you talking about us?" Draco asked.

"We have all put together an agreement. With Ara and William involved, of course. You and Ms Reid are to be in an arranged marriage." Lucius replied.

"We're 15. You all have realised that, right?" Draco replied.

"Yes. But this is the time to do it, son. I'm doing this mission and it's improving our status. We're rising in rank among the Death Eaters. You marrying the daughter of the most favoured Death Eater brings our status all the more higher." Lucius replied, a greedy glint in his eyes.

"So, you've done this to improve the family's status? Not even considering asking if I was alright with this." Draco replied.

"Well, you and Ms Reid are dating, I felt there would be no objection from the pair of you." Lucius replied.

"There's not, but-" Draco started.

"Great. So why are you against this?" Lucius replied.

"Because you're marrying me off for personal gain." Draco replied. "Also, why Cass? Why is William the most favoured Death Eater? I thought it was aunt Bellatrix last time."

"It was." Lucius replied with a nod.

"Then why has it changed?" Draco asked.

"All I know is that over the years of the Dark Lord's disappearance, William has done something that the Dark Lord has asked. I can't tell you what because I don't know myself. But whatever it was, the Dark Lord is grateful. Very grateful." Lucius replied. Draco nodded.

"Is that why he's so interested in Cass' loyalty?" Draco asked. Lucius nodded.

"I believe so. Speaking of which, you'd better hope she's declared her loyalty is for him and the cause." Lucius replied.

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