• how u met •

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you were good friends with other streamers, mainly George and Wilbur and they BEGGED you to join the SMP and start streaming, and after years of convincing, you finally gave in. And you guys met when George did his first stream of you two entitled "forcing my two best friends to play minecraft". 


You were good friends with dream and we're a well known MCYT although you didn't stream, you guys first met on a very large streamed zoom call hosted by dream. And George met you in the middle of you giving a large rant and calling dream a pissbaby.


You were already part of the SMP just less active than the rest but you were good friends with dream and he begged you to be part of the dream team and you eventually caved. You first officially met Sapnap on a creative world that dream made for fun, just so you guys could get to know each other.


You were really good friends with Big Q himself and he asked if you wanted to be in one of his streams for his second channel where him and all of his friends and you agreed. You and BBH first officially met when he accidentally killed your favorite pet and you cursed him out for a good 5 minutes while chasing him around while everyone laughed at you guys •_•


You were George's best friend and he asked if you wanted to meet some of his friends so he made a vlog of him taking you to meet all of his MCYT friends everywhere. Karl was relieved to finally meet you because George wouldn't shut up Abt how great you were. He talked Abt you so much that it even had dream concerned.


You were Karl's best friend and he thought you two would mesh really well so he made you two play phasmaphobia™ together for one of his streams and you instantly bonded over your shared chaotic energy and love for screaming.


You were George's and Tommy's friend and they shipped you so hard with Wilbur that it was inevitable that one day you were going to meet him. They day finally came when you were both forced to play a horror game together for a stream on both George and Tommy's channel's as well as Wilbur's. You screamed your lungs out the entire time and he just laughed at you and tried to calm you down.

Tommy (platonic):

You guys met on a MASSIVE among us stream hosted by George. Tubbo happened to be absent that day so George suggested he try to get along with you.

Tubbo (platonic):

You were Tommy's childhood best friend and he decided to post a vlog of him doing a picnic in the park with all his friends. That's where you met tubbo and you guys bonded over trying to get tommy out of a tree when he got stuck.

Ranboo (platonic):

You were an MCYT and you guys were both put on a discord group for a lot of different gamers. You guys instantly meshed well and started playing together blowing up stuff, playing random mods, and learning new skills from each other.

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