• dating Karl would include •

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- streaming with him when you feel like it

- being Quackity's and Georges bestie

- Quackity calling Karl a simp Everytime they stream together

- getting up early and making him breakfast on days that he does streams

- him painting your nails, and doing your makeup and hair

- honestly he does a very good job

- kisses on the corner of your lips during streams

- he lets you design your own t-shirt for his new merch drop

- he thinks it's adorable

- George being extremely protective of you

- him giving you cute stuffed animals and naming them together

- saying "HONK" all the time during streams

- the fans always spam hearts in chat.

- his hoodies? Stolen

- "y/n have you seen my favorite hoodie? I was going to wear it for my stream today."

- *you walk in wearing it* "hmm i think it's dirty, you might want to find another one"

- everytime someone comes over to film a video, you make it a point to interupt the filming as much as possible

- monster and picnic dates!!

- mandatory fit checks

- taking a ton of cute selfies together

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