• they have a nightmare •

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- wakes up in a cold sweat
- can't control his breathing
- tries not wake you up so he goes to his office
- one night you saw his tossing around in his sleep so you woke him up, he broke down and told you Abt his nightmare, you cuddled and whispered sweet nothings in his ear until sunrise


- thrashes wildly in his sleep
- often wakes up crying and has a panic attack
- goes on his phone instead of sleeping so he doesn't wake you
- one night you heard soft crying so you turned over and saw George with his head in his hands, he told you what had happened and you went and got him a glass of water and you two cuddled until he fell asleep again


- wakes up in a cold sweat
- shouts in his sleep
- gets extremely nauseous
- you woke up to see nick crying and coughing sitting up in bed, you asked him what was wrong but he wouldn't tell you so you just hugged him held him until he calmed down and eventually fell asleep on you :)


- cries
- tries to go back to sleep but can't
- usually calls rat over as a source of comfort
- one night you woke up and he was crying so you guys decided to take a walk with rat to clear your minds, he explained everything to you and you hugged him, you eventually went back to bed and he slept fine for the rest of the night


- panics really bad
- really doesn't like waking you
- usually leaves and tries to game to take his mind off things
- one night you woke up and Karl was gaming so you went to his room, it was 2:30 am so you knew that he shouldn't be up, you asked him about it and he truthfully said that he was scared to go back to sleep, you eventually gave him a hug and played with his hair until he fell back asleep.


- freaks Tf out
- accidentally probably trips over something in panic creating a bunch of noise
- leaves to go make food to calm himself
- you found Alex at 4:12 am eating downstairs, you asked him and he said he didn't want to go back to bed and lied that he wasn't tired, you guys had food and eventually he forgot about his nightmare the next day.


- tries to be calm and logical
- is actually freaked out
- panics really bad, starts shaking and crying
- you woke up to see Wilbur shakily holding a book and reading, it was 3:53 so you asked him what was going on "it's a book y/n can't you see im reading, he said a little bit annoyed" you asked him why and he eventually started crying, he explained to you what happened and you gave him a hug, you eventually cuddled and played with his hair until he fell asleep, you woke up early to make him breakfast :D

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