• dates they take you on •

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Dream: MINECRAFT DATE MINECRAFT DATE, makes a work and you too build a big house and you find pets and name them. He gives you flowers and lets you do whatever you want. He even teaches you how to speedrun


George: theme park date, George would take you to a theme park and ride rides with you and walk around and find cool figurines and ride the ferris wheel at sunset with you :)


Sapnap: BEACH DATE, you guys would definitely go out and build sandcastles, play sand volleyball and swim/surf. He would definitely also dig a hole in the sand so that you fell into it. And ofc, snow cones afterwards


BBH: movie date, popcorn, snacks, rat settled at your feet and you've got a pretty solid fool proof date. He even let you pick out the movie. Even though you did fall asleep halfway through


Karl: PICNIC DATE, you guys definitely got monsters and a strawberry cake as well as croissants and a cute picnic blanket, you guys would sit and eat your feast and enjoy being outside, (even if it was just a backyard picnic)


Quackity: hiking date! I feel like he definitely likes being outdoors and of course doing something mildly dangerous, you guys did make it to the top of the mountain, despite going off trail and getting lost several times.


Wilbur: COFFEE DATE, definitely later in the morning you guys dressed up got brunch and coffee at a cute cafe somewhere. He definitely took cute pictures of you and posted them on instagram captioning it "I won guys"

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