• when they're stressed •

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Warning: mentions of panic attacks and anxiety


Dream: tends to walk around sulky, tired all the time, shuts himself in his room, looses his temper quicker.
- You found him in his room banging his fist of the desk in rage.
- You made him go take a shower and go sleep
- you gave him cuddles
- he stopped being sulky


George: TIRED, falls asleep often, freaks himself out and has panic attacks, tries to game to take his mind off things, cries, although it's very rare
- you found him asleep with tear tracks down his face
- you picked him up and laid him down on the bed
- he wouldn't let you leave
- cuddles for hours


Sapnap: attitude towards you changes, lashes out, neglects cleaning his room, tells you to leave him alone
- you could hear him having a breakdown over something
- but you tried not to bother him.
- you waited until he went to bed
- and then cleaned his room and organized his work


BBH: becomes more messy and reckless, more agitated, oversleeps, doesn't leave his room, doesn't ask for help.
- you found him asleep in his gaming chair
-you made him go to bed and gave him rat for company
- you cleaned up his streaming room for him


Has panic attacks somewhat more frequently, more used to stress and tries not to bother you, becomes less enthusiastic, downs caffeine as a coping mechanism
- you hugged him and felt his heart beating super fast so you told him to lay down
- you hid his monster cans from him
- cuddles


Forgets about work, is more messy, and tries to shut you out, neglects eating and doesn't leave his room, becomes less like himself. Starts ranting in Spanish all the time Doesn't answer messages.
- his first panic attack was over a late assignment for school
- he didn't want you to help him
- he tried to do it on his own but he ended up having a breakdown
- you made him eat and told him to just do it tomorrow
- cuddles


Wilbur: becomes hollow and tired, shaky and stuttery, forgets what he's saying in the middle of sentences, locks himself in his office and won't come out
- you tried to come in his office to reason with him
- he yelled at you and then started crying
- you made him tea and told him to go sit with you on the couch
- he fell asleep on your shoulder :)

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