• when they cry •

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Consider this a tiny oneshot for each person (I might make a larger oneshot of this on my other book so please be on the look out for that,

💚 Dream

The first time you saw him cry was because he was getting cancelled again on Twitter, "idk what they want from me y/n I can't be perfect" he said as he sobbed quietly. "It's ok you are who you are and in my eyes you're perfect" you said while soothingly tracing circles on his back and wiping away his tears.

💙 George

The first time you saw him cry was when he saw someone start posting hate about him, he came to you and showed it to you with tears streaming down his face. "Don't let people get you down, be proud of who you are" you said running your hands through his hair. You eventually moved to the couch and you gave him cuddles and he eventually forgot about the hate.

🧡 Sapnap

The first time you saw him cry was after someone posted saying that his content was stupid and how much better every other streamer was. He came to you and fell on the bed crying. "Your friends would play with you if they didn't like your content, don't let anyone change you, they're just being rude". You said, you brought him up food and you eventually had food together and fell asleep.

❤️ BBH:

The first time you saw him cry was when he though rat ran away. "Im sure rat will turn up" I doubt rats gone forever" you said trying not to be worried, you monitored every door for the next day and soon enough, rat turned up at your door.

💟 Karl

The first time you saw him cry, was when a person called him a pity case on Twitter and all his friends were fake. You gave him a hug and called each one of them to prove that they weren't and ensured him that he wasn't a pity case. You posted about this and it immediately was liked and shared by millions of people including several very famous influencers.

💗 Quackity

The first time you saw him cry was when he failed an extremely hard exam. He came to you crying and stuttered out how he was so dumb and wasn't meant to be in law school. You gave him a hug and ensured that he was and that it was a very difficult exam and he just need to study more, you contacted his professor for a retake and he obliged, you helped him study and he aced the retake with ease.

💛 Wilbur

The first time you saw him cry was when one a person posted hate towards his bandmate on social media. He cried and told you it was his fault and he was making his bands life miserable. You called them and asked them if they didn't like it, they all said it was the most fun they've had in a while and it was the highlight of their weeks. You made him tea and had a talk stream and soon he felt better.

🖍️ Tommy (platonic)

The first time you saw him cry was when you picked him up from college go hang out and he burst into tears in your car telling you that 3 different people told him he was childish and his streams were stupid. "They're just jealous because your cooler than them you said" you went and got ice cream and he soon forgot about it.

🐝 Tubbo (platonic)

The first time you saw him cry was when his sister started yelling at him while you two were hanging out, he told you with tears streaming down his face that he was a "bad influence", you assured him he was not and that his sister was just in a mood."let's go on a walk maybe it will make you feel better"

🤍🖤 Ranboo (platonic)

The first time you saw him cry was when someone posted calling him a knock off of other streamers. You told them off on social media and told him that you though he was a great steamer and that everyone who didn't like him could suck your dick.

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