• you sit on their lap during a stream •

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Dream 💚

Hey y/n", he said as you entered his streaming room, "hey" you said cheerfully, you came up and sat on his lap and started fiddling with something on the desk. He freaked out a bit and his character paused on the screen."you good?" Sapnap laughed. "Yeah I'm fine, patches scared me".

George 💙

Heyy yn" he said as you came up to him during his stream. Heyy you said before deciding to sit on his lap and snuggle into his jumper. he didn't know what to do for a second but eventually put his arms around you and continue to play, "AY WATCH IT, PDA" tommy yelled and dream wheezed into his mic. The chat was spamming love emotes in the chat and soon, pics of it were all over Twitter.

Sapnap 🧡

Heyyy mamas" Sapnap smirked at you when you entered, what he didn't expect was for you to smirk back at him before seating yourself in his lap and giving him a peck on the cheek before stealing his hat. "CUTIES" dream laughed into his mic. "Yeah I know" Sapnap said cockily before kissing your forehead and snuggling into your neck.

BBH ❤️

Well if it isn't my little muffin"
Bad said to you, hello, you said before sitting in his lap. He laughed at you and then said " seriously y/n I need to finish this live 20 minutes and then we can cuddle"

Karl 💟

Hey babe" Karl greeted as you walked in. Hows my favorite boy doing you said before settling in his lap and taking his headphones off and putting them on. He snuggled into you and you played with his hair before sneaking a sip of his monster, "awww am I not your favorite boy?" Sapnap pouted before laughing.

Quackity 💗

Heyy mi amor" Alex smiled as you walked on camera. His smile vanished when you winked and sat in his lap."ELLA ESTÁ TRATNDO DE FOLLARME" he screamed in his mic. You frowned at him, "calm down" you said, I just want cuddles. "Oh okay" he replied. "Just one more thing, I can't fucking see my computer babe", "I know Alex it's because your short".

Wilbur 💛

Hi y/n" Wilbur smiled as you walked in, "say hi to y/n chat!" You suddenly walked over and swung your leg over his lap sitting down and resting you head on his shoulder, "someone's sleepy," he laughed. You huffed in response, "I'll try not to yell to much love" he whispered in your ear before kissing your forehead and continuing his stream.

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