• secret things they do that are cute •

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- repeats things to himself to make sure he gets them correct
- taps his hand on the desk in patterns when he's trying to concentrate
- uses a higher pitched voice when he's talking to patches
- when he wins his speedrun or man hunt he does a dance in celebration


- gets distracted really easily by small things
-  fiddles with his hoodie strings when he's nervous
- is falling asleep constantly
- super proud when he finishes editing and makes you watch the video he's made


- has his own playlist that reminds him of you
- constantly trying to straighten his monitor because he thinks it's crooked
- Everytime you try and leave him in the morning to make breakfast he pouts and protests
- straightens his hat collection all the time because he wants it to be perfect


- takes a ton of photos of rat and always asks you which one you think looks the best
- calling rat his little muffin
- confused really easily
- loves to look at fanart when he's bored
- gets scared/screams really easily


- paints his nails to match his outfit
- super proud of himself when he successfully does your hair
- trust really hard to make sure everything's in its proper place before he starts streaming
- hums random tunes when he's trying to focus


- speaks in Spanish/Spanglish to himself and you when he's either tired or stressed
- forgets about stuff really frequently and asks you if you remembered
- adjusts his beanie 82628227 times a day
- clumsy as shit and constantly either forgetting his mic is plugged in or tripping over his chair


- sings in the shower
- messes up his hair when he's trying to concentrate
- picks out his outfits so incredibly carefully and asks you if you think they look good
- color codes his closet
- yells in swedish when he's mad
- drunk Wilbur, (need I say more)
- being uncontrollably giggly at random times.
- clumsy and bumps into the door a lot

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