• his favorite thing abt u (physical) •

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Not sexual, I see this as more romantic but interpret this how you want

Dream 💚

- Has this weird obsession with collarbones and shoulders.
- collarbone hickeys °-°
- will just burry his face in ur neck sometimes when he's tired

George 💙

- laugh/voice
- he loves to hear you laugh
- he thinks you're voice is calming
- he finds it super cute when you hum random tunes to yourself.

Sapnap 🧡

- Definitely seems like a thigh person
- seems like the guy to have one hand on ur thigh whiles he's driving
- that one TikTok trend you know the one
- falls asleep with his head in you lap

BBH ❤️

- ur smile/dimples
- he thinks they're really cute
- loves to pinch your face when you smile bc he thinks it's funny
- you always stick your tongue out at him when he does this.

Karl 💟

- loves your hands/touch
- we all know physical touch is this man's love language
- he loves to kiss your hands and rub circles into your hand when you hold hands
- paints your nails all the time.

Quackity 💗

- jawline kisses bc he's short and or hickeys if he feels like it.
-loves to hug you and rest his head under yours in the crook of your neck
- always comments about how pretty your side profile is

Wilbur 💛

- loves your hair :)
- loves to play with it when he's bored
- learned how to plait hair just for you
- sometimes accidentally rough and you have to remind him not to rip your hair out when he's plaiting your hair

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